Jens’ Blog - The Connecteur
Maximize business efficiency with strategic time management, delegation, and lean startup principles. Learn how to structure your day, streamline tasks, and foster creativity for business success. Discover key insights on sales, outsourcing, and scaling effectively as a CEO.
Crafting a signature keynote requires a clear intent, audience understanding, structured storytelling, and engaging hooks. Learn how to price, book, and negotiate keynotes while maintaining credibility and confidence. Elevate your speaking career with practical strategies from this session.
Discover why most businesses fail and how to avoid common pitfalls. This CEO Group Call covers essential topics like execution, niche focus, lead generation, client selection, and modern sales strategies. Learn how to build a predictable, scalable business with strong leadership and personal branding.
Discover powerful insights from 5MK - 5 Minutes Keynote - Vol 3, where experts share leadership lessons, industry trends, and the power of storytelling. Gain knowledge on gratitude, fashion, coaching, listening, and business connections in just five minutes per talk.
Learn how to schedule social media effectively with tips on building your personal brand, targeting your audience, and creating a systematic strategy. Discover content planning, measuring success, and platform-specific insights to maximize engagement and credibility.
Learn actionable strategies for lead generation, from targeting the right companies to leveraging LinkedIn for prospecting and engaging with prospects. This session explores building relationships, overcoming challenges, and using community and networking to close deals.
Master the art of keynote speaking with the Keynote Speaking Pipeline! Learn personal branding, outreach strategies, LinkedIn tips, CRM tools, and niche-specific techniques. Build connections, track opportunities, and deliver impactful speeches while accessing resources for continued growth.
Discover the 2025 Rising Stars Pro program! From innovative schedules to expert interviews and personal support, elevate your professional journey with tailored resources and real-life touchpoints. Empower growth and success in 2025 with this transformative experience.
Explore lessons from the “5 Minute Keynote,” covering persistence, self-belief, volunteering, and sustainability. Dive into inspiring stories like Chuck’s stuntman journey and Nick Vujicic’s message on listening, community, and legacy. Embrace transformation and motivation for personal growth.
Learn how to get booked for keynotes by building a strong personal brand, leveraging video content, optimizing your speaking page with SEO, and targeting the right audience. Discover inbound and outbound strategies, use LinkedIn effectively, and create lasting relationships for paid speaking opportunities.
Unlock your business potential with actionable insights on cashflow, crafting offers, pricing strategies, customer engagement, and marketing. Dive into expert tips for building loyalty, expanding your audience, and mastering sales tools. Transform challenges into growth opportunities with focused strategies.
Boost your visibility and credibility with a robust content production system. Learn to set goals, select the right formats, and analyze performance using AI tools for efficiency. Master content planning, distribution, and engagement strategies to elevate your brand presence.
Discover expert video editing tips from our CEO group call! Learn basics, advanced techniques, SEO strategies, and how to enhance videos with B-roll, captions, and music. Elevate your video content and streamline your editing process effectively.
Explore the art of impactful five-minute keynotes with tips on public speaking, engagement, and storytelling. Learn from inspiring journeys, role models, and insights on transformation and sustainability. Boost your speaking skills and connect with your audience effectively.
Discover essential video recording tips for CEOs to elevate personal branding. Learn content strategies, scripting, hooks, and editing techniques to create engaging videos. Maximize impact with expert advice and free resources for polished results.
Dive into leadership insights with professional stuntman Chuck Borden in the Leadership Open Mic session. Learn about personal branding, servant leadership, building trust, and balancing digital and physical leadership. Discover tips for effective communication and team collaboration.
Master website optimization with Squarespace! Learn to enhance SEO with proper text, image naming, meta descriptions, and social media previews. Improve search rankings, personal branding, and user engagement while building a professional online presence.
Optimize your LinkedIn profile with actionable tips: create a custom URL, use a high-quality profile picture, write an engaging “About” section, highlight key experiences with logos, and leverage featured posts to boost visibility and credibility.
Learn how to design and optimize a Squarespace website in this CEO Program session. From creating pages and customizing templates to managing navigation and embedding links, this guide offers actionable insights to build a professional website efficiently.
Master job interviews by learning how to connect directly with hiring managers, handle tough questions confidently, and highlight your transferable skills. Explore practical tips to ensure successful outcomes and avoid common pitfalls in your career journey.
Maximize your personal brand’s success with video content. Learn how to create engaging, authentic videos to enhance visibility and credibility online. From defining your story to effectively publishing across platforms, leverage videos to elevate your brand and boost career opportunities.
Learn how to build a powerful personal hub with a website designed to capture attention, tell your story, and drive engagement. Discover the importance of structured content, sections, and SEO to create a standout online presence.
Unlock paid speaking engagements with a proven personal branding system. Learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile, showcase your experience, and establish credibility through your personal website to attract keynote opportunities worldwide.
This CEO program session focuses on building a powerful personal brand as a foundation for professional success. Learn the key strategies for creating a personal website hub, producing and distributing content, achieving omnipresence, and developing a lead-generating system to grow your business.
Let's explore the concept of omnipresence and how to position yourself and your brand across multiple channels. Learn my system to build omnipresence, amplify impact, and connect with different audiences by leveraging digital and physical spaces effectively.
The Rising Stars Pro Kickoff Call introduces a community of CEOs dedicated to building personal brands that drive business results. By developing in public, participants showcase growth strategies, share resources, and collaborate to create a powerful network for success.
Learn how to create a powerful personal brand with our step-by-step system. From defining your superpowers to building a content strategy around five brand pillars, this session shows how to leverage your strengths and showcase them online for meaningful connections and opportunities.
Master LinkedIn for career success with tips on profile optimization, personal branding, and strategic connections. This episode dives into practical steps to make your profile stand out, increase visibility, and drive professional growth on LinkedIn.
Data-driven recruitment transforms hiring by reducing reliance on gut feeling and enhancing decision-making with metrics like conversion rates. This structured approach saves time and money, ensuring better hires with a clear framework for candidate evaluation and career development.
Learn how to effectively sell yourself by mastering personal branding, strategic content, and credibility-building techniques. Discover the power of consistency, authenticity, and engaging with your ecosystem to unlock new opportunities.