Reputable organizations work to free psychedelics from the stigma

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For the 2, or 3 on this podcast who have never heard about psychedelics or say, ah, these are all drugs you should never take this. How would you counter that? 

 Mark my words it's the future and there are a lot of very reputable organizations working to really free the stigma around, especially like the two that I'm very passionate about, and that is M D M A and psilocybin.

So yes, there are a lot of like hard drugs out there that are very addictive. They can ruin your life that you can really hurt yourself with. Whereas psilocybin is they're finding safer than table salt. As long as you're with someone that understands how to utilize it and dose you. But in my opinion, it's true medicine and I think in short order we're gonna see that even at a federal level, people are going to be agreeing with that.

And I even work with a few therapists right now that say that. Talk therapy can only get someone so far that the somatic aspect of moving something out of your body is the missing piece that allows someone to really move through something. And so I believe that eventually it's just gonna be such commonplace that people might be just throwing it in their smoothie in the morning. 

The fact that something like cannabis and alcohol and nicotine who are so much more dangerous and addictive are just readily available to anyone. Seems a little bit absurd to me. But yeah, in my opinion, psilocybin is not addictive and it can't really hurt anybody if they're prepared and have done the prep work to take it.

And in fact it's quite mild and small doses, which is why I love microdosing so much. 


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