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What are the things that you've been dealing with that are really making your nervous system raw? What are the things that boundaries that you can ask for? Is it telling your boss that you're not gonna come in on Fridays? Or like really adjusting your environment, your schedule, what your day-to-day looks like, is really, really helpful because just that coupled with the right support systems, like moving your body and hydrating properly, plus this new medicine that really allows for a massive shift forward that they can see and feel. And then the placebo effect of seeing all of that change.

And even sometimes giving people permission to ask for things in their environment that they never thought that they could ask for and seeing how easily people will give it to them and how much it affects their lives is typically one of the most mind-blowing and best things. Not to mention actually taking time to dial in what the right micro dose is.

And so everyone is completely different and so people will come to me and say things like. I have this medicine and it's pre-cap in this amount and I can't feel it, or it's pre-cap in this amount and it's way too strong for me. They're just assuming that micro dosing isn't right for them, but they should be adjusting to a very sub perceptive amount, like a cup of coffee would feel like, so they can actually go about their day, and it's really just in the background supporting their mood and their focus, right?

And so, That's part of the environment, that's part of the structure that we need to optimize to make sure that it's very customized to the person that's taking it. 


What can you do in the next 72 hours that moves you forward?


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