105 - Measure yourself against yourself

Explore why measuring your own progress, rather than comparing to others, leads to genuine improvement. This episode offers insights into setting personal benchmarks that reflect your growth.


Measure yourself against yourself


Embracing Personal Metrics: Measure Yourself Against Yourself

In this enlightening episode of The Daily Hint, titled "Measure yourself against yourself," Jens Heitland discusses the importance of focusing on personal benchmarks instead of comparing ourselves to others. This episode delves into why personal metrics are essential for true growth and how they can lead to more meaningful improvements.

The Flaw in Comparison

Jens opens the discussion by addressing a common pitfall many face: the tendency to compare ourselves to others. He argues that this approach is flawed because it relies on external validations and often disregards our unique paths and circumstances. Comparing ourselves to others can lead to dissatisfaction and a misalignment of personal goals.

Focusing on Personal Progress

Instead, Jens advocates for measuring progress against our previous selves. This approach not only fosters a healthier mindset but also encourages continuous personal development. By focusing on our past performances, we set the stage for realistic and tailored goals, making our growth journey more personal and impactful.

Building Personal Metrics

The episode also explores how to establish personal metrics that truly reflect our progress. Jens suggests that these metrics should be based on personal achievements and improvements over time. This method ensures that we remain true to our values and goals, rather than chasing after someone else's definition of success.

A Call to Self-Reflection

"Measure yourself against yourself" calls listeners to engage in self-reflection and redefine success on their own terms. It encourages an introspective look at how we can use our past achievements as a benchmark for future goals. This episode is a powerful reminder that our biggest competitor should be our past selves, not others around us.

Tune into this transformative episode of The Daily Hint to learn how to measure your progress effectively and set personal benchmarks that lead to real and sustained growth. Whether you're looking to advance in your career, improve your skills, or simply become a better version of yourself, this episode provides the insights needed to embark on a fulfilling path of self-improvement.


00:00 The Power of Personal Progress

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AI Transcript:

Measure yourself against your own progress,  not against others. Often the issue is that we try to compare us to other people and we want to measure us against the other person. But I think there's a flaw in that. If we focus on measuring ourselves against our previous self, it's way more accurate because in the end we can improve over time and not go towards a vanity matrix of being like someone else or fulfilling goals someone else has achieved.

I think it's good to get inspired by other people but then measuring ourselves to ourselves and through that we will improve over time, and build metrics that are reflecting our progress.


106 - Show up, whatever it takes


104 - The day you are frustrated about mundane tasks listen to this