115 - Let other people shine

Explore the benefits of empowering team members in the latest podcast episode. Learn practical strategies for letting others shine and enhancing organizational culture. 


Let other people shine


Empowering Others to Shine: A New Paradigm for Leadership

In the latest episode of The Daily Hint, titled "Let Other People Shine," Jens Heitland addresses a critical aspect of modern leadership: the power and importance of spotlighting team members over oneself. This episode challenges traditional managerial roles and highlights the transformative effects of empowerment within organizations.

Rethinking Leadership

Traditional management often emphasizes hierarchy, with managers expected to take the lead in presentations and decision-making. However, Jens proposes a shift towards a more inclusive and empowering approach. By allowing team members to present their work and take credit, managers can foster a more motivated, engaged, and loyal team.

The Impact of Empowerment

Letting others shine can have profound effects on both individual and organizational levels:

  • Boosts morale and confidence: Team members feel valued and recognized, which enhances their commitment and satisfaction.

  • Encourages professional growth: By taking the spotlight, employees develop their presentation and leadership skills.

  • Enhances innovation and productivity: Empowered teams are more likely to take initiative and bring creative solutions to the table.

Overcoming Resistance

Resistance from upper management can be a challenge when implementing this approach. Some may view a manager’s reluctance to be in the spotlight as a failure to fulfill their role. Jens argues that true leadership is about making those around you successful and recognized, not just about fulfilling traditional expectations.

"Let Other People Shine" is more than just a management strategy; it’s a leadership philosophy that can lead to more dynamic, innovative, and successful organizations. This episode of The Daily Hint encourages leaders to consider how they can make a real difference in their teams' lives and the overall success of their organization.

Listen to this insightful episode to understand how you, as a leader, can foster an environment where everyone feels they can shine and contribute to their fullest potential.


00:00 Empowering Others: A Manager's Guide

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Subscribe and Listen to The Daily Hint with Jens Heitland Podcast HERE: 

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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4T02uYPvcOrajPC6FgH64r?si=8aab1e7683204160&nd=1&dlsi=0f69c72af017454a

AI Transcript:

Let other people shine.  We as managers and organizations have the possibility to focus on other people and let them shine.   Often what I see in a political system like an organization, managers are getting into power positions and then they don't take care of the people that got them there.  If you are a manager in an organization, try it differently. 

What I do personally when I need to present something that was done by the team, because I'm the manager. I let the other person present rather than me present. And sometimes I get the feedback from some of the higher ups that they say, Yeah, but you didn't do your job. 

And they mean you didn't present. For me, it's more important that I let the people shine that do the job. than me getting the star on the shoulder as being their manager. 


116 - Eating ice cream is tasty


114 - Focus on solving interesting questions