126 - Lead don't just follow

Explore the transition from following to leading in our latest episode. Learn effective strategies for self-leadership and inspiring others. 


Lead don't just follow


Leading, Not Following: Empowering Yourself and Others

In the newest episode of The Daily Hint, titled "Lead Don't Follow," Jens Heitland delves into the pivotal transition from being a follower to becoming a leader. This episode is particularly crucial for anyone at a turning point in their career or personal life, looking to take charge and make a significant impact.

The Journey from Following to Leading

The episode begins with an exploration of the natural progression in most careers: starting as a follower who learns the ropes and gradually aspires to lead. Jens emphasizes the importance of recognizing the moment when one is ready to make this shift and the introspection required to define one's goals and missions.

Key Takeaways for Aspiring Leaders

  • Self-leadership: Jens discusses the first critical step in leadership—leading oneself. This involves a deep dive into personal goals and missions, understanding what you truly want to achieve, and aligning your daily actions towards these goals.

  • Empowering Leadership: Moving beyond traditional command-and-control tactics, Jens advocates for a leadership style that empowers, teaches, and enables others. This approach not only fosters independence and growth among team members but also cements the leader's role as a positive influence.

  • Natural Influence: The episode highlights how genuine leadership does not need to be forceful. By focusing on being a positive influence and providing value, true leaders naturally attract followers and inspire loyalty.

Implementing the Lessons

Jens provides listeners with actionable advice on how to apply these insights in their own lives:

  • Identify your mission: Clearly define what you want to accomplish and why it matters to you.

  • Lead by example: Demonstrate the qualities you wish to see in others.

  • Foster an environment of growth: Create opportunities for your team to learn and develop alongside you.

"Lead Don't Follow" is a powerful call to action for anyone ready to take the next step in their personal or professional life. It challenges listeners to shift their mindset from passive participation to active leadership, emphasizing the profound impact one can have by simply choosing to lead.

This episode is not just for corporate leaders but for anyone who seeks to influence and inspire those around them. It’s a guide for transforming oneself into a leader who empowers and elevates others, making it a must-listen for aspiring leaders across all spheres.


00:00 The Shift from Following to Leading

00:18 Discovering Your Mission and Leading with Purpose

00:38 Empowering Others to Follow Your Lead

00:53 A Call to Action: Lead by Example

Links :


Equipment and Software that I use for my Videos and Podcasts!   

Jens Equipment and Software overview: https://www.jensheitland.com/equipment


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My Book Recommendations: https://www.jensheitland.com/books


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Speaking: https://www.jensheitland.com/speaking

Mentorship: https://www.jensheitland.com/mentorship

Leadership Skills Assessment: https://www.wearesucceed.com/


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Subscribe and Listen to The Daily Hint with Jens Heitland Podcast HERE: 

YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2tLdutVh6b6nCBgWQ817eQ

Web: https://www.jensheitland.com/the-daily-hint

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-daily-hint-with-jens-heitland/id1722930497

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4T02uYPvcOrajPC6FgH64r?si=8aab1e7683204160&nd=1&dlsi=0f69c72af017454a


Many of us are used to follow and that's good when we are starting out in our careers and don't have any clue about things, but I think there needs to be a switch where we start leading. Where we look into ourselves what do we want to accomplish in this world.

And from that mission that we find out for ourselves, start with leading ourselves into that direction.  It's all possible in the world where we live in.

It just requires you to have a goal and a mission to what you want to accomplish. Go inwards, leading yourself to that space, and then start leading others. 

If you are impacting people's lives in a positive way, people will follow you and see you as the natural leader. If you don't push them, if you empower them, if you teach them, if you enable them to learn with you, they will follow you. Try it, for yourself and for others.


127 - Keep going and never stop


125 - We learn when when it gets uncomfortable