122 - Everything starts with believing

Explore the transformative power of belief in our latest podcast episode. Learn how believing in yourself can lead to meaningful actions and change. 


Everything starts with believing


The Foundation of Success: Believing in Yourself

In the enlightening episode titled "Everything Starts with Believing" from The Daily Hint, Jens Heitland dives deep into the foundational role that belief plays in achieving personal and professional success.

The Power of Belief

The episode begins with a simple yet profound assertion: everything starts with believing. Jens discusses how self-belief is often undermined by external factors—people, systems, or societal expectations—that suggest we aren't good enough. He challenges this narrative by affirming that belief in one's abilities is the first step towards making substantial changes in any aspect of life.

Overcoming Doubt

Jens points out that doubt is a significant barrier to action. Many people fail to act because they are paralyzed by the fear of inadequacy. The episode stresses that the key to overcoming this is to foster a strong, unwavering belief in oneself. This internal conviction is what empowers individuals to move beyond intake and planning, to taking decisive actions.

Action as a Catalyst for Change

The core message of the episode revolves around the impact of taking action. Jens argues that without action, belief is meaningless. It is action that translates internal beliefs into external realities, changing how we live, work, and influence those around us. He encourages listeners to not just absorb information but to use it as a catalyst for concrete, positive change.

Key Takeaways

  • Belief is Essential: Believing in your ability is the first step toward achieving any goal.

  • Challenge Doubt: Recognize and confront the external and internal voices that doubt your capabilities.

  • Action Leads to Transformation: It's not enough to want to change; you must take action to make change happen.

"Everything Starts with Believing" is a motivational call to action for anyone looking to make a significant impact in their life and the lives of others. By believing in ourselves and taking action based on that belief, we can achieve extraordinary things.

Tune into this inspiring episode of The Daily Hint and start your journey towards self-empowerment and profound personal transformation.


00:00 The Power of Belief

00:24 Taking Action: The Path to Success

Links :


Equipment and Software that I use for my Videos and Podcasts!   

Jens Equipment and Software overview: https://www.jensheitland.com/equipment


Books that I read and recommend.

My Book Recommendations: https://www.jensheitland.com/books


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Speaking: https://www.jensheitland.com/speaking

Mentorship: https://www.jensheitland.com/mentorship

Leadership Skills Assessment: https://www.wearesucceed.com/


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Subscribe and Listen to The Jens Heitland Show Podcast HERE: 

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Web: https://www.jensheitland.com/podcasthome

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jens-heitland-show-human-innovation/id1545043872?uo=4

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7H0GWMGVALyXnnmstYA1NL


Subscribe and Listen to The Daily Hint with Jens Heitland Podcast HERE: 

YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2tLdutVh6b6nCBgWQ817eQ

Web: https://www.jensheitland.com/the-daily-hint

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-daily-hint-with-jens-heitland/id1722930497

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4T02uYPvcOrajPC6FgH64r?si=8aab1e7683204160&nd=1&dlsi=0f69c72af017454a

AI Transcript:

Everything starts with believing.  If you believe you will be able to do things. Often we are not believing in ourselves because external factors or people or systems are telling us that we're not good enough.  You are good enough if you believe in yourself and if you believe that you can do things. The differentiator to move on is you putting the things into action and not just focusing on intake. You need to take action to do things and through doing things you will change the way you live, you will change the way you work, and you will change the way you impact other people around you. Take action and you will succeed.


123 - You are the differentiator


121 - Let's innovate