EP 74: Critical thinking in innovation
Jeff Parks on being early in the podcasting game, learning, transformations and more.
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Critical thinking in innovation - Jeff Parks on being early in the podcasting game, learning, transformations and more.
Welcome to the Jens Heitland Show where I meet with experts of different fields to connect the dots of innovation and entrepreneurship.
In this episode I connect the dots of innovation and entrepreneurship together with
Jeff Parks Director of User Experience. Together we explore his story on being early in the podcasting game. His view on innovation, how important critical thinking is, the impact of leadership on culture and many more topics.
Links to the guest:
Jeff on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jefferyparks/
Links to the mentioned books and videos:
Kevin Ashton - How to Fly A Horse https://www.amazon.ca/How-Fly-Horse-Invention-Discovery/dp/0804170061/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=kevin+ashton&qid=1621442652&s=books&sr=1-1
Steve Jonson - Where Good Ideas Come From - The Natural History of Innovation https://www.amazon.ca/Where-Good-Ideas-Come-Innovation/dp/1594487715/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1621442606&sr=1-1
Chuck Klosterman - But What If We’re Wrong: Thinking About the Present As If It Were the Past https://www.amazon.ca/But-What-If-Were-Wrong/dp/0399184139/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Chuck+Klosterman+but+what+if&qid=1621442713&s=books&sr=1-1 (Quote I read during our discussion about how the problem comes from the questions we are asking.)
Exaptation example: To Do Lists on basic > Bullet Journal > Analog https://ugmonk.com/pages/analog
What Podcasts in iTunes looked like when I started https://youtu.be/JdBYVNuky1M?t=224 (Note “The Daily Source Code” in the middle.) That was the show with Adam Curry that I was describing during our show. I added podcasts for boxesandarrows.com and johnnyholland.org at that time.
Jim Carey story and quote “You can fail at what you don’t want. So you might as well take a chance at doing what you love.”
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I have used and experienced the tools and of course the book and can highly recommend you to have a look at the EDCO Shop. http://bit.ly/Podcast-Edco
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