EP 119: Personal Happiness
Ashlee Braxton, business / career coach, and podcast host of the Happy Choice Podcast joined me to talk about Personal happiness in business and life.
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In this episode I connect the dots of innovation and entrepreneurship with Ashlee Braxton, business / career coach, and podcast host of the Happy Choice Podcast. Ashlee grew up in the music industry, working in the Braxton Family in different roles, before she started her new journey moving to Paris, working in tech, and later building her own business in Barcelona.
In our conversation Ashlee tells her story, how she empowers people inside and outside of the business environment and creates personal happiness.
Guest Links:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleebraxton/
Business: https://www.ashleebraxton.com/
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-happy-choice/id1542767080
Link to the show: https://www.jensheitland.com/thejensheitlandshow
00:00:00 Podcast introduction.
00:01:32 Ashlee introduction.
00:06:32 The journey from employee to business owner.
00:09:31 The mental journey of personal reinvention.
00:11:18 Finding a place of happiness.
00:14:30 Developing. Company culture.
00:17:39 Transferring previous skillsets into the culture of an organization.
00:21:41 Working with people resistant to change.
00:23:04 Innovation from a coaching perspective.
00:28:37 A place for feelings at work.
00:38:30 Trying to achieve without support.
00:48:57 Wrap up.
Links to Jens Heitland:
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