EP 115: The Future of Retail
The Innovation Breakfast Club with Ulrike Spang-Lessnow, Ron Thurston, Stephen Brooks
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This episode is an Innovation Breakfast Club where I reconnect with previous guests as we explore different topics, this time the future of retail. We discussed what will make retailers successful in the future and what the future might look like.
Guest Links:
Ulrike Spang-Lessnow: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulrike-spang-lessnow-56179a22/
Ron Thurston: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rthurston/
Stephen Brooks: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenabrooks1/
Link to the show:
00:00:00Podcast introduction.
00:00:55Guest introductions.
00:01:57The future of retail.
00:08:19Learning from the past.
00:16:27Should we double-down on online retail?
00:24:24The importance of customer relationship.
00:29:21Taking care of a team inside retail.
00:34:34Changing a management team to be future-fit.
00:38:56Making retail appealing to the youth.
00:55:09Retail in 2030.
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