The Power of Positive Thinking: How to Transform Your Mindset and Achieve Your Goals - The newsletter for Innovative Leaders - Friday April 14 - 2023

Understanding the psychology of positivity and techniques for developing a growth mindset and overcoming negative self-talk.

Welcome to the "Q" - a place where we talk about leading yourself.

One of the questions I often get asked is about changing one's mindset. It's not an easy task, especially when it comes to things like sales or any other activity that requires you to put yourself out there. It's common to feel anxious and stressed out when you're selling because it can feel like people don't like you.

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But here's the thing - changing your mindset is possible, and it starts with building habits. Habits are powerful because they help you overcome your fears and anxieties over time. If you're struggling with sales, for instance, you need to start doing it on a daily basis. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.

I remember when I first started recording videos or my podcast, I wasn't comfortable with it. But I did it anyway, and over time, it became easier. Now I'm at over 220 recorded episodes, and I feel much more confident in front of the camera. So, my advice to you would be to start doing the thing that scares you every day. It doesn't have to be perfect, but the more you do it, the better you'll get.

Another thing that can help is to learn from others. There are tons of resources out there on YouTube, for instance, that can teach you how to sell more effectively. Often, our limiting beliefs hold us back, and that's why it's important to challenge them. If you keep telling yourself that you can't, then you're holding yourself back.

Remember, sales is not about people liking you; it's about helping them understand the value of your product. People may not need your product, or they may not understand its value, but that has nothing to do with you personally. It's important to separate yourself from the outcome and focus on the process of selling.

Moving on to the next Q:

Many people struggle to stick to good behaviors and habits, and often fall back into old patterns. This is normal because we've trained our brains to behave in certain ways, sometimes over years. So, how do we keep ourselves on track?

One strategy that works for me is to build an accountability network. For instance, if I have a fitness goal, I'll link up with people who have the same goal, and we'll create a WhatsApp group where we can keep each other accountable. We'll post updates on our progress, and that keeps us motivated.

Another strategy is to make your goals public. By putting it out there, you're putting yourself under pressure to follow through. When you're accountable to others, it's harder to fall back into old patterns.

Ultimately, the most powerful motivator is understanding your "why." Why do you want to change? Why do you want to achieve a certain goal? When you have a deep understanding of your "why," it's easier to stay on track. When things get tough, you can remind yourself why you started in the first place, and that can give you the strength to keep going.

I'll use the example of my experience doing a full Ironman triathlon. It's an 11-hour event that's physically and mentally demanding. The key to preparing for it was not just physical training, but mental training. I had to understand my "why" - why I wanted to do it, why it was important to me. When things got tough during the event, I reminded myself of my "why," and that helped me push through.

Changing your mindset and sticking to good habits is challenging, but not impossible. It requires building habits, challenging limiting beliefs, and understanding your "why." By doing these things, you can overcome your fears and anxieties too.

Have questions?

Feel free to reach out I am happy to help.

Podcasts to innovate:

EP 211: Track your wealth - David Martinez de Lecea

Money is one important aspect of our live, and yet many of us struggle to manage it effectively. That's where financial apps come in, helping us track our wealth and make informed decisions about our finances. We'll hear from David Martinez De Lecea the founder of Exirio and learn why tracking your wealth is so important.

David who, like many of us, used to manage his finances using a simple Excel spreadsheet, found that updating the sheet regularly was a lot of work, and it was difficult to keep track of changes in exchange rates and other important metrics. So, he decided to create a financial app that would make the process much easier.

Exirio started as a basic spreadsheet-like tool, but over time it has evolved into a comprehensive platform that provides users with a wealth of insights into their finances. Users can track their net worth, monitor the performance of their investments, and even analyze returns on different assets.

Learn more about our conversation in the podcast episode.

Videos that touched a nerve:

Saving money can be a daunting task for many people, especially if you're living paycheck to paycheck. However, there's a simple trick that …

Watch the clip and learn with Gabbie Kelly.

Have a fantastic weekend and don’t forget to Innovate the human way


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