Systematic Personal Branding

Building a powerful personal brand requires strategy, consistency, and the right platforms. Learn how to systematically create, batch, and repurpose content, leverage LinkedIn for visibility, and build lasting authority. Discover the key to sustainable content creation and brand growth.


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Systematic Personal Branding: A Strategic Approach to Visibility and Influence

Personal branding is no longer optional—it’s essential. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, executive, or creator, your brand is your reputation, and building it systematically can set you apart. But personal branding isn’t just about showing up; it’s about showing up strategically and consistently.

This session dives deep into the key components of systematic personal branding—how to create, manage, and leverage content for lasting impact.

The Foundation: Visibility and Consistency

Your brand is only as strong as your visibility. If people don’t see you, they can’t trust you, and if they can’t trust you, they won’t do business with you. Platforms like LinkedIn are critical for establishing thought leadership, but simply being present isn’t enough—you need a clear strategy.

Consistency is the differentiator. A scattered, one-off approach won’t move the needle. Posting daily, engaging with your audience, and delivering value regularly are what build credibility over time.

The Systematic Approach to Content Creation

Many people struggle with content because they lack a repeatable system. A structured approach removes friction and makes personal branding scalable. The key steps include:

1. Batching and Scheduling

• Creating content in focused sessions rather than daily improvisation

• Using scheduling tools to maintain consistency without daily stress

2. Leveraging Legacy Content

• Repurposing past content instead of constantly reinventing ideas

• Identifying high-performing posts and turning them into multiple formats

3. Recycling and Clustering Ideas

• Clustering content around key themes to reinforce expertise

• Breaking down long-form content into micro-content for different platforms

Narrowing the Focus: Micro-Segmentation and Niche Positioning

Generic content doesn’t build authority—specificity does. By micro-segmenting your audience, you can tailor content to speak directly to their challenges and aspirations. The more niche your positioning, the more valuable and memorable your brand becomes.

Accountability and Experimentation

One of the biggest challenges in personal branding is staying accountable. Group dynamics, peer feedback, and structured processes help maintain momentum. Additionally, testing different formats and styles on social media provides insights into what resonates most with your audience.

Scaling Up: The Rising Stars Concept

Expanding your brand isn’t just about content—it’s about influence. The “Rising Stars” concept emphasizes collaboration and amplification. Aligning with other growing thought leaders and engaging in shared visibility strategies can accelerate brand growth exponentially.

Branding with Intention

Building a personal brand isn’t about luck—it’s about intention, strategy, and consistency. The most successful thought leaders don’t just post content; they execute a system designed for long-term impact.

Are you ready to move from sporadic posting to a structured, scalable personal brand? The time to start is now.


00:00 Introduction to Personal Branding

01:02 Jim's Mini Keynote Concerts

02:35 The Importance of Visibility

03:45 Leveraging LinkedIn for Personal Branding

05:43 Consistency is Key

07:59 Systematic Approach to Content Creation

13:25 Batching and Scheduling Content

21:39 The Power of Legacy Content

24:37 Recycling Ideas and Clustering Content

27:49 Micro Segmentation and Niche Content

31:36 Group Dynamics and Accountability Challenges

33:00 Daily Posting and Content Creation Strategies

34:30 Testing and Experimenting on Social Media

38:29 Expanding the Rising Stars Concept

43:41 Concluding Remarks and Future Plans


[00:00:00] Today I wanted to talk about personal branding. See, we talk about it in Mr. Chalkboard Mystery.

The crew is complete,

but let's, let's wait until he is in. Chuck! Next one. Next one is coming.

I was thinking if I should do a presentation, but I think it would be way better to have a conversation. Chuck! Yoram, hello! Hello! I made it. I was a couple minutes late. I was on another call. I was like, oh shit, I gotta go! Ha ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! So good. So I was just sharing that I have a presentation, but I rather would love to have a discussion [00:01:00] today.

So personal branding, like we, like we started with Jim, um, before most of you joined, at least Jim dropped his first mini keynote concert today. So he hasn't from now on every freaking day, a keynote concert coming out for the next. I don't know years to come. So Monday to Friday will be a mini keynote concert every day.

At least the next 20 days is already in the can and the next ones are coming. That's right. Which is cool. So, and it's a podcast. So I use Jim as, as a guinea pig now as an example. So, so it's, it's following the whole structure, starting with the video, producing the video into a podcast, which is the MK. No.

Yeah. MCK. [00:02:00] Right. MKC. MKC. Yeah. MKC. Mini Keynote Concert Podcast. And that's on Spotify. So you can definitely subscribe to that. That's where, where the videos drop in and then they go obviously into his hub, which is his personal website and then into the internet. So from today on, the first one is already out.

I just shared it as well on LinkedIn. It goes out on all channels every day, every weekday. So that going back to the initial thing. So it's, it's all about how do we elevate our credibility with the visibility and make it on par. If we, and I stay with Jim, sorry, Jim for that. You're not a guinea pig, so he, everyone that has seen the video of Jim doing the keynote concert knows that he, he can do this shit, right?

And he should be paid [00:03:00] properly to do that. So, but if nobody knows Jim, nobody will book him. If nobody sees Jim performing, nobody will be able to pay him. So the limiting factor is not his credibility. He can't do this. He has Let's say 20 years of guitar playing and talking, talking most probably more than 20 years.

He has the credibility. He has played on the biggest stages on the world, let's say like this, but he has not the visibility and specifically not as a keynote concert speaker, you know, it's concert performer, speaker. Whatever. So now what, what, what he's doing in, in, in, in the strategies, of course, omnipresent, but I think the biggest for this one is LinkedIn.

And we have talked about that in the physical meeting here as well. LinkedIn is one of the opportunities where you can [00:04:00] stand out with your credibility, even more than on other platforms, because on TikTok, TikTok and Instagram, and this platforms are favoring more, let's say a little bit more crazy things.

It's a little bit more, let's say, naked boobs stuff, if you really want to go extremely viral or like other crazy stuff that has like a lot of action, a lot of things. But you talking normally into a camera right now, at least they're not performing as well. That doesn't mean it's not working. It's just, they're not getting millions of views because the platforms are incentivizing videos that are able to go viral, crazy.

The interesting thing is this talking head videos go viral on, on, um, LinkedIn, like I have randomly in between more than 300, 000 views. On my videos, and they're not fancy, it's, it's not that they're [00:05:00] extremely well, I'm not extremely well speaker, but I have this all happening all the time in between. And it's not to brag, it's, it's just, it's just the systematic way of showing up, showing up all the time.

And then one, one pops up and then like, at least for me, it's like I have 300, 000 views and then all the others go up as well. Then you have videos with 50 k, with a hundred k, with 20 k with five views, everything in between. But it's, it's just a huge opportunity as more you use a structured approach when it comes to this, because it's not what, what I see as well as not one single video, not one single post that gets you there.

It's the consistency. Like I always say, the Coca-Cola, if like Coca-Cola is in the fridge in every freaking supermarket around the, the freaking world. You know it's there. Like, you know you go into a supermarket and you can buy Coca Cola. Or in the Netherlands, [00:06:00] Heineken. You, you know you can go in. And it, that's, that's the effect.

Like, you, you know that you will, like, you cannot get rid of me, for example. If you have started following me, you will not be able to get rid of me because it's just popping in. And for some it's, of course, you can block me, then I'm gone, but in the end, if you don't block me, I'm there. I'm showing up. And I do this since 2019.

Uh, 20, yeah, 2019. I'm showing up, I'm showing up, and I'm now reaping all of these rewards, crazy, in a positive way. Like, I get more and more and more speaking engagements, just got another one for same numbers as I have shared in the past. So, it's, it's crazy, and it's all inbound. So, it's, it's, it's, it's for all of you, it should be a no brainer to utilize the credibility that [00:07:00] you have with your stories and build this into packages that you share with the world.

That's why I was starting with Jim. Cause he, he has started to build all of it and now from now on it's dropping and you will not be able to get rid of mini keynote concerts. And there will be, I can promise you it's going to happen. It's just a matter of time now. There will be one big corporation say, this is awesome.

This is the best concept I've ever seen. We want to book you. And then Jim calls me and says, I need to talk to my agent and not agreeing to 3k. And then I bump him up to 20k. I think

25 we'll see. The key part is, is really having the guts in, in, in getting things going all the time, all the time, using a systematic way. It's [00:08:00] not about, I was just sharing it with, uh, one of the other guys where we talked about this, I'm using it as a testing mechanism in, in, if you look at the poor essence, what I'm doing is I'm innovating and testing every day.

Every single video is a test of. Does that resonate? Do people understand what I'm saying? Is the target audience feeling welcome? Do they get it? Do they not get it? Do I get it or not? It's every day as a test. And as more you do this, as more you will understand what works. And through that then you slowly can dial up with this.

Obviously you can pay for all of these things. Like you can pay for ads and then you get more views, but that doesn't mean it works. So. A systematic way is at least what I have seen is working always. It's always working, but it's the least that most of the [00:09:00] people are dropping. There are a lot of people who do this for four weeks and then not, not anymore for three months, and then they start again for a week because they have motivation, then they drop.

If you don't get it into a rhythm that it's kind of your basic standard is at least. Five days a week and and that's not a non negotiable and that's happening. Then things are going to happen for everyone. Even if it takes a year, it works. I have not seen anyone where it's not with, who is doing it consistently.

Because the good thing with doing things consistently, like you all know, you get better and better and better over time with what you're doing. Like Jim is already extremely keynote concert speaker, but get him on 20 big stages and he's even better. And two years later, he was on 50. 100 stages and he will be better [00:10:00] because you always get things moving.

You're always developing. So going back to, to your personal brand, it all starts with you, with your superpower and your uniqueness. And that's again, something nobody can copy. Like I have got to know all of you. You all have that. And every, every human being has that. It's just a lot of people are not aware of it.

They're not utilizing it as a superpower. The stories, they're not having arms and legs like Frank always shares, but like a lot of people are just saying, yeah, I cannot do anything. I'd have no arms and legs. I don't have a story. I don't, everyone has something and they don't need to be such drag drama or such difficult topic.

You can't be as well as something completely different. Like, like for me, What is your

system? Because I stumble, I think [00:11:00] over the system. I start, I'm fascinated after a week. I just have like, maybe like two Leadership coaching days with like two hours of preparation and then after a glow. So I worked 18 hours a day or like, let's say 14, I'm brain dead and I have zero energy anymore to do any kind of video for that day.

So do you do five and prepare for the next week or like, how do you do it? Or do you like, is it like the first thing after you're shaving in the morning? No, Jim, how did you do this? Because Jim does exactly the same thing. Uh, my basically for, uh, for my micro keynote concert stuff specifically, uh, I have a, um, I have just on the notes app on my, on my phone, uh, like a, a, a song that can be linked to a business topic or, or a story from, you know, any, at any point in my life that can [00:12:00] be, I, that I feel can be related to a, uh, a business topic, uh, and, um, Complete with like a nice business cook business hook to start any time that can pop into my brain at any at any point Whether it's whether I'm driving and I'll say hey Siri open the notes app and blah blah blah blah blah So I just I just document all the ideas at any time or I I'm prepared to document any idea that comes up anytime no matter Uh, where I'm at and those start to accumulate.

And then, um, when I have a few minutes to just kind of sit down and go through all those ideas, all those possible video ideas, um, I can just categorize them and, um, what we're doing right now is whenever there's a batch of 20, it's like, okay, let's go and, uh, refine them a little bit and then set up a little filming space and just.

You know, try to knock out as many as I can in one sitting. So [00:13:00] whether it's five, ten, or all twenty. Um, yeah, so it's doing them in nice big batches helps a lot for me. And I, I do exactly the same. So I get ideas all the time, especially when I'm not trying to get ideas. And, and then I'm batching. I'm, I'm trying to do at least a month, which is twenty.

Like every weekday, um, so that all of that is done in one go like if I have it here at home Or the future will be even more crazy Then I have one setting one video person coming to me and then it's done Or if it's like you you put your phone somewhere and you do 20 And and that that goes again back to the systematic ways.

One thing is using the creativity that you have and when you have it to document it. Sometimes it's just like you have a little sentence that reminds you what you wanted to say. And then [00:14:00] before you go into recording, what I always recommend is building the structured approach, which is hook story and takeaway in every single video.

And if you just have that roughly for then the number one, the most important thing is the book, which is like the first three seconds of the video. That's where you track people. And if, if you have that, then the rest can be kind of step by step approach, but it all starts having the idea, putting, putting the idea somewhere that you can use it, then preparing before you start to record and then batch record.

And then not just batch record, obviously batch editing, but then as well batch posting. What I always recommend is. When you start doing, when you, when you say you commit and you commit, but you're not posting today, what you're doing is you're programming for four weeks from now, we [00:15:00] are programming four weeks from now, and then in four weeks, the first post will go.

So from now on, you just, you just batch you do today. You do three tomorrow. You do five. The next day, all you say, F it, I do 20 now and then the whole month and stuff, but it's still going out in a month from now because then you will have a light or a nice day coming in the next couple of weeks where you do this again.

And then you do the next month and then you have already two months. Then you do the next month, then you have three months. So as, as, as more you do in advance, as easier it gets because then you don't have a gap. Like I have weeks in between where it's really, really narrow. Like right now we have content of me for this weekend for next week and I have not recorded yet.

So if I'm recording, which was supposed to be Saturday, which I didn't do today, I was supposed to record, which I didn't do. So I need to do it now on Wednesday [00:16:00] because I'm, I'm in Switzerland again over the weekend, so it's not going to happen. And then the editors need to work their ass off to be able to get everything organized.

And dropped into my social media, but I have the beauty of like me not doing it. If you do everything yourself, then, you know, it's already stress and stress will then hinder you in doing it. And then you say, yeah, F it. I don't want to do it today. And then it's the first one does not go. That's why I'm always saying go four weeks ahead and then use that.

Who was first? Jim or Frank? Uh, go for it. Frank

Alta. Frank. Okay, guys. Hi. Hi. Hi. Sorry I was mute. So, what you say right now about the, this, uh, bottleneck over there is, is the, the, the far. Uh, this if you are able to do that, when you get this model day and you're still [00:17:00] doing that, you are able to do that in the future. I know that because from the beginning I was saying, yes, that's easy to do.

But after so weeks doing that, um, with this overlapping stuff with different activities, you don't find the time. But now I got the system. When any, when everybody sleeps. I can start doing my stuff. And over there, when you get this level, you can go easy going. Try to do that. Yeah. In the end, it's being lazy, but being just lazy in advance.

Jim. Oh yeah, I was just going to also mention, um, another really helpful part of, uh, so far in the process for me is just, you know, as you put it, having a chat GPT on the ready as the co pilot. And, um, I have two levels of prompts that I've worked up to help with the workflow in getting a bunch of [00:18:00] videos together.

So mine are like the first. Uh, bass level prompt I have is draft a micro keynote concert less than 60 seconds long, leading with a business hook based off the song, for example, Space Oddity by David Bowie. And then if I have something more specific in mind, I'll do that and I'll add, uh, relate it to how wildly and uncompromisingly innovative he was in the music world.

And, and so that's, that helps a lot. That just saves a lot of time as well. Right. Thank you, everyone. What you can, what you can do on top of that, use the, the, the best social media tactics to create this post, and then you can even name people like Gary V or whoever, like someone you like, then you may you, it uses the same tactics they use.

So you can even go more nuanced on it. Excellent, excellent. Use Jens fucking Heitland. Sorry. [00:19:00] That is, it says, Jim, you wanted to go out running today. Oh no.

Hey guys, today I came to my regular job and the guy who works with me at the office was taking a look to my personal website. Good. And then the first question, where do you find it? Did you find it? Google? I put Frank Peralta and then boom. What? It works. Of course it does. That's, that's maybe good point.

So important. We're not doing this to just be in social media. We're doing this with the purpose of our why, which is at least for me is impacting people's lives. And That means I want people to be in my ecosystem so that I can have bigger impact to them towards them. So, which means in my case, on [00:20:00] my website, in my community, so that they have even more benefit of interacting with, we interacting with my content, the social media content that goes out into social media is every single thing is, uh, every single thing is like a little hook.

I try to get, hey, this is maybe something where I can feed you a little bit and then I get you into my world. And it works. That's, that's the beauty. And if done well, linking that to what Frank Geralta was saying, if you build it into your website, then ChatGDP or any AI large language model and Google will know about this.

That means it then showcases this things again to other people. Like I mentioned in one of the other calls, I got this keynote, uh, speaking request from, from ChatGTP, like not literally through ChatGTP, but the lady was saying, yeah, I, I ChatGTP'd you. That's how she found [00:21:00] me. And tried with all the, the, the, the machine, the searching machines, like Grok, like, uh, DeepSeek, like, uh, uh, Copilot.

I was trying in all the stuff and all the stuff was giving me an answer. And it was really interesting to see the difference between one and the other one. It is great to see what we can do with this, uh, discipline. Because at the end of the day is every day, every day, 1 percent more as we do. That's the beauty of it.

And that's one of the reasons why I've set it up. For those of you that have not heard this, the story about it behind. So what my, my dad died in 2021. And one of the things he did ways back when they lived in Spain, he did radio, like small radio. He was a pastor. He did small radio clips in the, in the radio.

And he was not like preaching. It was more talking stories like [00:22:00] storytelling about this way and that way. And because he did this radio stuff. And at that time there was like barely MP3 stuff. So there was nothing, but I had a CD of this small radio sound bites. It's like, almost like a mini keynote concert, mini, mini podcast thing.

And I can now listen to that with my daughter. She has met him, of course. But how beautiful is this, that you capture these things, and being able to share that. Being able to show this to your kids, show this to your grandkids. them showing to their grandkids and there to their grandkids. Hey, this was the, the stupid grand grand grand that was like on the internet every day.

You remember that times? So they have the possibility if, if it is well, well done to discover you and as well, the wisdom and the knowledge and everything. That's, that's. Another side, because we often [00:23:00] see just the commercial side of all of this, but it's also, it's huge knowledge databank. And if you look into what's happening with AI, you will be able like easily in a couple of years, you will be able to talk to me even when I'm gone.

Because there's so much content about me, not that everyone wants that. I get it. But at least you could. Yeah, but now we have the obligation to fit this legacy and to fit every day with content. With these small actions every day in the future, our grandkids, they can find us on the web easily, as you said before.

That's great!

So going back to your last question system, the easiest is starting with video because it's, it's all formats in one. So you have text, you have audio, you have video, and then from there, you're kind of taking it [00:24:00] apart and then you can use it in different ways. And that's, that's maybe something I have not shared too much, but I'm reusing every single bit, at least three, three or four different versions of it.

It's a podcast. It's it's a it's a it's a YouTube video. It's a it's a text post. It's a post with a picture It's a video post And it all goes back to one single thing, which is a 60 second video or a longer video. Doesn't matter. So that's also gives you the leverage of using it. And I was sharing it the other day.

I could this year post exactly the same like last year. Nobody of you would ever get that. Maybe I'm looking different. I'm older or whatever, but nobody will get that. If I post in April, a hundred percent of April of 2024. Or in my case, 2023, nobody would get

that. It's not what I'm doing, but I could. [00:25:00] And sometimes I'm recycling things where I think now it's time for it because I was too early, um, in the way I was thinking and it, it, it still works. So that's also a beauty of it. That was definitely a, uh, uh, question that I had as far as, um, just that whole notion of recycling ideas after all, because even though I've only done 20 so far, and I'm, I've been drafting the next 20 microkino concerts, I'm already starting to be like, okay, uh, you know, trying to think of like, well, How many times is, is, uh, the theme of innovation going to be, you know, presented and how many subcategories of innovation can, you know, there's like a finite amount, you know, so, yeah, so it's good to know that it's okay to recycle some ideas from time to time.

Yeah, and it's the good thing was that is you can cluster it. I have it on my website. All [00:26:00] podcast episodes on innovation, all podcast episodes with entrepreneurs, all podcast episodes on leadership. So you can then in the end, cluster things again together. If there's a person that is like you had it on your website as well, all nine team music.

I, I am just into nineties. I want to go into nineties. And then you drag them into that rabbit hole and then use, like, film music. You drag them into film, music or any other topic. You can always bring things and, and curate them in different ways. And then, let's say you can do, this week is only about film music, or film themes or this theme innovation week.

Like you can just bring these things up. Again, in different ways. And then it's not in the same order and it's differently framed with the way how you talk about it. And then it's easily recyclable. That's the cool thing. And it, again, in all the different media, social media, in the website, everywhere. And that's what the [00:27:00] masters do as well.

It's not that the initial idea is always different. Sometimes I do this quite a lot. Like I talk about the same thing in different ways because sometimes the, this way I use doesn't resonate with someone. They don't get it. Or I was not clear enough. And then I use a different example and then a person clicks.

It's just, Oh yeah, it's a no brainer. So it's. Sometimes it's also using different ways, and that's only, you only know when you do it regularly, what works and what doesn't.

Questions, ideas, thoughts,

learning. Yes, I have another question. Recently I was hearing a lady, uh, speaking about, uh, tailor made stuff. Shall we find, like, a small [00:28:00] niche where, in my case, I speak only about Leather jackets with this leather jacket. We can do that for outdoor indoor for motorcycling for biking for something like that.

Do you think that this is a good, uh, starting point to start doing a micro segmentation of your content in your umbrella of not services, but ideas, or maybe some, uh, hook to bring another kind of customers into your ecosystem. Yeah. You see, you can use, if we use me as an example, I do this since November and you, you have seen it even in the past, Frank.

So I was talking last year at this time, I was talking a lot about leadership, leadership, leadership, leadership. Now I talk a lot about personal branding, personal branding, personal branding. So I still have the other pillars and bring that in, but I just [00:29:00] focus way more on this. That's the same. What you, you, you could do.

Like, you could just talk about like caps or just leather check or whatever. Yeah. Like, like Jim is focusing right now only on keynote micro keynote concerts, which should lead to a big keynote. That is really interesting because now for fashion, in my case, if I want to go deeper into fashion, there's a lot of accessoire made of leather with it can be, uh, the middle soles in your, in your shoes.

Some of them, they are foam, some of them they are plastic gel, something like that. And the best one they are made of leather, easygoing. It's, it's really, really easy stuff to be explained. Okay. Today we wanna speak about middle salts. That is the stuff you need to do if you want to keep your feet dry or something like that.

There is a lot of the wallets, the, the card holders, the passport holders, the key rings, boom, man, [00:30:00] you name it, . Yeah, absolutely. Good. For you, of course, always bring the sustainability aspect into this, like reusing it, so linking that to, to your why, 100%. That's, that's working. So, the last time I was speaking, talking to, with a lady, um, we spoke about the human innovation, and she wanted to know more about that, and I tell her, please, Google Jens Heidland.

He's the reference for the stuff. Ha ha ha! That's good, man, because we let the ecosystem grow. At the end of the day, we support each other. That's, it's, it's not rocket science. It's only naming the name. Yes, I agree. It's always like this. Yeah. Now I am exploring new stuff, but we'll do it later.

Um, yeah, I have a question. I, [00:31:00] uh, yeah, I'm wondering if that fits here, but you let me know. Um, because like last week you put out this challenge I could not like follow up with, but so I started it later. Uh, with this like six different formats. And then I challenged it a little bit because I said to chat JBT, I wanted to explore a topic, see like how people react.

So like, what is the most meaningful sequence of, uh, text post, image post and so forth. Uh, did you have like that in mind when you gave us the sequence or was it just random? Like, like the way you give it us. And if, if you had a, like an intent with that, which was it? So the, the intent was getting you doing shit.

Is most of the people are not doing shit. So the sequence, there was like no, no intentional sequence behind it. No, it was like, there was the challenge of not doing always the same thing, try different versions of it. But the number one priority for me was like, get people moving shit [00:32:00] because everyone says like they want to, they want to be a rock star.

They want to, but 99. 9 percent are not doing things. Unfortunately. So with this group dynamic, like we had in the video challenge as well, like five people do it, and then the sixth person, the seventh person, we have still people doing it now, they have started later and Frank is still like sharing it and Chuck is doing it anyhow as well.

So that's like 90 days in 60 days. And so it's, it's still moving. Yeah. We need, it's more about the group dynamic and I will start something else at seven today again with another group. Similar like that has nothing to do with personal branding in, in the end. It's like, how do we keep each other accountable?

Because if you, if you know, like everyone did it like shit, I need to do it as well. And sometimes it just takes the seven days, the 30 days or whatever to say, okay, now I got into it. And it's like, it's not that difficult. [00:33:00] Like Chuck, like you are doing how many days already videos, hundreds. Uh, I'm at 110 days on Instagram and I actually was off of your lead Um the follow up followed your lead a little bit and said i'm going to do a post every single day on Instagram For one year 365 days, so i'm 110 days in And, um, still going.

And it's funny cause you're, you're, you're making comments about, you know, Jim was saying that, how do you not repeat and stuff, some of the stuff. I don't plan any of this stuff and I don't do it. I do it on the day I do whatever comes to mind. I don't come up with something ahead of time. I'll wake up in the morning.

It's like, we should talk about this today. And sometimes it's just like rambling. It's like, it has no sense, but like you said, it's doing something. You gotta be active. Exactly. And that's, that's how I did it. The first 200 days challenge as well, just that I did it on Instagram, on [00:34:00] LinkedIn, like four years or five years back also rambling, I still have some of them on my YouTube channel on the.

The old one. I need to get much more involved in, in, uh, in LinkedIn and stuff like that. I, I, I think on Instagram, I can just talk about just anything that makes no sense whatsoever. And I try to keep everything on a business level on LinkedIn because I want to be portrayed that way. Yeah. Yeah. Whereas Instagram, I don't give a shit.

Yeah, makes sense. Absolutely. For me, my test channel is TikTok. I can speak, uh, hi Chuck, nice to see you again. Uh, TikTok for me is like my, uh, test lab. Same for me, but it's, it's working extremely well. Yeah. I don't, I guess for you too. Yeah, man, because I'm doing every day a small staff, the shortest one. I think it was three seconds or something like that, the micro short or something like that, because I got the gimp into my camera.

[00:35:00] Then, okay, maybe a short song or something like that. And it was, it was working really well. And the last time I got the invitation from TikTok to do some life, and then I needed to, to change the booth of my car. And then, okay, now it's the perfect situation to try.

It's just having an outlet where, where you can go like crazy. Like I give a shit on TikTok, like I still use it to, to post all my, my things, but I don't care at all. That's the, but like differently to, to, to LinkedIn, like Chuck was saying. But in, in, in the end, it's just all these challenges that I try to get people into.

is commit and do shit. That's, that's the number one thing. And then of course, while you do it, you will learn it. And that's why I was giving, because some people really need to do this today, do that tomorrow to be able to get going. And some people are more like [00:36:00] experiential and trying other things. But it's, it's just like, how do we do group dynamics?

Sorry, Chuck. Yeah. I think in my case, it was, it was mostly about just being, making myself comfortable. And that's why I wanted to start this is make myself comfortable doing this stuff. So later on when we do get speaking engagements that I can speak much easier about any subject. Yeah. And it is, it's working like I see it with me.

I do it so long now. Like I go on stage and I don't care too much. Like I can speak in 5, 000 people, 200 people, one person. Don't there's no difference because I'm doing it every day. Yeah, that's great. So that's just like a training at home in front of the mirror. Yeah. For me, I go to the mirror. Okay.

Frank. Nice to see you today. Hey, Frank, you look great today. And then I interact with my mirror.[00:37:00] 

Frank, you need more friends. So, so internally, so I can't say this stuff here because we are in a small community. But now my wife is, I think four days ago, a week ago. She started to probe with me the cream in my face and now that my skin is shining and all the stuff I'm getting really funny with the mirror every morning

You need to take videos of that front

With me on the front of the mirror Yeah, of course, I'll be too. Frank and the mirror. And the other stuff I'm working on now is it's like a Blooper channel or something like that because sometimes when I want to say something, okay, we'll be here from Canada Something like that and then it's nice. Yeah, we are [00:38:00] humans, you know We should do a rising star blooper channel or something.

Oh, yeah. I have a lot of content about that I've I've tons of more ideas. I just don't have enough time right now, but yeah, the time is always the the asset We can manage in a proper way because every day we are older Yeah, but the the rising stars on stage can be as big as TEDx Easily. Yeah, of course and and and this works hundred percent I love the idea about the open mic, because everyone, every person has something to tell.

Exactly. For sure, like fashion. There is someone that will wear that kind of content of style. That's it. That's why I want to, we're testing it this weekend in Switzerland. Then I want to do it in the Netherlands, whereas we have more people [00:39:00] here. Now we can do it in Germany, in Berlin, easily. Then we come all together, come to gym.

Even, even I called it the open question where, where we replicate the same format in Barcelona. Yeah. Yeah. Happy to do it. Barcelona. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We can, we can do a world tourney and we are always the same speaker.

Yeah. At the end of the day, the proof of the concept is already done, and now we are going to test it in a different environment, and it's going to work, for sure. Yeah. I haven't told anyone, but I have a videographer who is filming all of this. Oh, great. Yeah. And now I'm working into my look to be over there on the stage.

You know, that is my, that is the normal stuff. [00:40:00] My superhero isn't an ongoing superhero look. Good. Any, any more questions?

Keep it doing guys.

Frank, don't you worry. You look marvelous. Thank you, sir. Thank you. We need to get another meetup together. Of course. In the Netherlands, that was really nice this other day. Just need to find a way to get even more people together. Oh, is there any, uh, chance or possibility or plans for Rising Stars on stage being, uh, live streamed?

In the future, no problem. This, this week is going to be tough. Yes, I have not been in this space. I have [00:41:00] no idea. That's cool. It's probably selfish of me to even ask, but I had to. No, it's a cool idea. It's a cool idea. If we think about it, it's no problem at all. That's right, Chuck. Hell yeah.

Sorry, Frank. Go ahead, please. Frank can livestream, like, hey, this is Frank Peralta. I can do a live TikTok. We can try and then you can, we can get the record as well. Yeah. Yeah. Let me, let me check if there is a possibility in the future. Definitely. Like, no, no problem. This time I don't have the tech set up.

I like the idea, but I think there's, I think there's something magical about getting a group of people like us together that it just, we'd flow off of each other in person. The live stream sounds really cool, but having a group together is just something magic about that. [00:42:00] It's just, Jim is so far away.

That's why he's awesome. Jim, we're coming to you, I promise. Fantastic. I'll, uh, I'll make us all some pizzas. Yes, we, we, we need to do a world tourney of this. I have already Singapore, Germany, Netherlands, U. S., Switzerland. Finland we have, so we have community members everywhere. Spain, it's just a matter of getting shit together.


so we got, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think we have the potential to, to replicate the format in every, in any place, because we are so cool, man.

And I'm now recruiting even speakers for Switzerland, like locals, I mean. Yeah, that's that is a [00:43:00] really hard work now i'm trying to get a lot of people over there But they did you are nobody, you know Yeah But that's yeah, that's why i'm saying we we just drag people from the audience on stage. Mm hmm.

Why not? There will be like two people and then it will be four people, then it will be five people. Switzerland is the test event, and then we go into the world. Yeah, of course. Good. Are we, I'm really happy about it, but when we can, when we come, when we, when we come to the us, then we are properly equipped.

We have tested it. Cool. Thanks a lot. Thanks as well. We'll see each other next week. I even don't know if I have a topic for that next month already. It's another, isn't it another, uh, keynote concert? The final keynote. Oh yeah. True. It's every two weeks. Next Monday, keynote concert time. [00:44:00] Or five minute, I'm sorry.

Five minute keynote concert. Yeah, we just, it's the same. Okay, cool. Good, thank you very much everyone. You don't want me to sing. I want you to sing, Chuck. Hell yeah. Jim is playing and you're singing. No, no, no, no. The dog even leaves the room when I sing.

Okay, super, thank you everyone. Have a good one. Cheers. Thank you, bye. Bye. Take care.


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Personal development masterclass. One of the topics that's dear to my heart, because of what I have seen over the last 15 years is that personal development is quite seldom in organizations. It's not really taken, uh, in a proper way, at least in my eyes. So that's why I'm really keen on sharing this today.

So we have two. main perspectives. One or two topics for today. One is personal development talk versus performance evaluation. And then we do a deep dive into how I'm doing personal development talks. And then we do questions in the end. Personal development. So we have one part, which is the personal development talk, and then we have the performance evaluation.

And a lot of organizations, focus on performance evaluation. And the difference between those two is that the performance evaluation, the main part they are focusing on, or the main source of that is the company. So the company is on the top. And from there, it goes into, the individuals and the different tasks that need to be done to accomplish what's happening in the company, what is required to do to be done in the company.

And the individual that is doing the task is the last point. And then inside of the performance evaluation, you're looking backward. So you look, how did this person perform in the past? The development talk is the opposite. So the most important part of the. Development talk is the future. Where does the person want to be in the future?

And it has nothing to do with the outcome of the company or where the company wants to be. The goal of this is, and why, why do this personal development talk? I believe that if we are developing people in organizations beyond what the organization needs, they will contribute more to the company. They will contribute better.

So the goal of what I'm doing with development talks is finding out what the people desire and going deeper into that. And we will have a look at that in the next couple of slides. And then look, what are the different tasks of the organizations that fit the person and what the person wants to be. And then you marry these two things.

And then it works as well from a performance evaluation perspective. So that's my perspective on development talk and performance evaluation. Let's go into personal development talk a couple of, I think it's almost two years ago or something. I've developed this in as, as a worksheet. So if anyone is interested in getting this worksheet as a PDF.

Happy to share that. So, the starting point of a development talk is really a setup of the atmosphere and the place. So you are going to do a development talk with another person. So you are the manager and the, the other person is like reporting to you and then you're meeting up. So what you need to make sure of is that you have, an appropriate place.

The best case is always doing this outside of the office environment in a. In a place where people feel well, the atmosphere is super important. The time of the day is important, not doing it on Friday afternoon, for example, when people want to go on the weekend, of course, you need to be aware of your relationship with the other person, depending on how deep your relationship is.

You of course have then a perspective on how deep you can go. And how much that is. And then what is important as well is that you put the note-taking responsibility to the person that is inside the room or is working with you. So me as a leader, I always give the note taking responsibility for the other person because then you see what they understand and what they get out of that.

And then I always do as well. A version in front of us so that people understand this. So printing out this worksheet as an example, if you do that in a physical space, then you print it out and then you go into the development talk. And the starting point of the development talk goes really wide.

Looking into what's the personal vision like. I always ask these as open questions without showing them the worksheet in the beginning. Who do you want to be? And that's very, very, very wide. Like, who do you want to be? What does it mean? Some people who have never had a conversation like this, struggle with this.

So they start with, yeah, I want to be a manager. I want to be something specific. So they go very, very, very specific and they don't really look into the future. So the first round of this, I just, Help them to find out who they want to be and they write down, they write down a manager. I want to be a good father.

I want to be whatever they come up with. And then I go to the next question and I show them the next question, not before. So why do you want to be that person? So then they're reflecting on the answers they have given and then they go back and refine who they want to go to be. And that's an interesting process because what.

You as the manager that is holding this development talk are doing, you're literally shutting up and just asking open questions to tell me more. How, how does that feel? What does that look like? What would that look like in the future? So you only ask open ended question when that gets the person talking and reflecting.

So if you're saying this, what does it mean? So, and then they're explaining, explaining, and they go in a loop between who am I going to be? And why do I want to be that person? So until they have clarity, and the first loop is always. The starting point where they don't know what's going to come, then who am I going to be?

They come up with high-level topics and then they go, Why do I want to be that person? Then they go back to Who am I going to be? And then they go deeper. And I always then give them a perspective. Okay, think about five years, 10 years from now, who do you want to be? And then they go more particular in all of these things.

And then we go, we don't close this, we keep it, we put it aside. And then we go to the next sheet, which is a personal development map. So I want them again to reflect on certain questions. And it doesn't matter in the order, I just take them clockwise right now. But it's really going and answering the specific questions.

What do I want to learn? So you're asking this, the person that is in front of you. So what do you want to learn to be that person? So linking it back to that person of the future. And then you're asking, what do you want to improve? And then they come up with things. So it's, it's like writing down the, all the different topics and then what do I want to leave behind?

And then they come back with topics that they want to leave behind. Another question is what excites you? Yeah. And then going deeper into this, who is important to them? And then what is important to them? And when you have done this circle, you go around it and they were deeper in this topic.

What quite often happens then if you ask them, so how, if we go back to the other one, is that still the same thing you want to be? Because they have now clarified what they want to be. and answer the question, they go back to this one and then clarify, no, no, no, I want to be this, I want to be this. What I always ask them, in this part is to paint a picture.

So when, when we have finished with this one, I go back to this one. And say, from a personal vision perspective, imagine a picture and describe the picture that you see on the wall. And then they describe to me who they want to be and who they are going to strive to be inside of a picture and explain everything that is around them.

I've had, for example, a person that told me where they are going to live, what, how it feels, um, in this picture, where the kids in this picture, where the wife or husband and, and going really into details and then linking this to. A job perspective as well, because in the end, we are at least this part is in a job environment.

So they are linking that to the job environment of who they're going to be working with as well. So these two are super powerful. And then you go into the next step, which is a goal perspective. So it starts with the staircase. So in the top right corner, we have what is the goal. And the starting point is really, um, defining that goal.

So if you want to be this person in five years, what is the goal for the next year for you to be very specific? And of course, you can do smart goal setting and all of that, but it's in the end, What does feel right for that person? What is the development goal they want to reach in one year from now?

And then they formulate that goal. And then you go to the bottom of this page where you look into where do you stand today on a scale from one to 10. So they're rating themselves on how close are they to that goal. If they're close, then they're at 10 or 9. If they're far away, then they're at 1. And what always happens is they're somewhere in between, obviously.

So when they have rated that, then you look into what are the things that get you closer to that goal, meaning moving your scale from 5 to 10. And that's what they are writing down above the stairs. So, above the stairs are the things that are getting them closer to their goal. And then they're defining this in bullet points and formulating that out.

And [you do that obviously all in a conversation. You ask the person who is doing the development talk, you are asking them questions to get them moving. You're asking them clarifying questions about the topics that are put, into the sheet. And then the next part is, what are the things that getting you further away from that goal?

So downstairs, if you think at it from a staircase perspective, and then they're writing these things down and then they have a clear picture of a goal staircase where they, they know they want, where they want to be linking that to the vision that's five years from now and the goal picture, and then they rate themselves.

And have then clear understanding of that are the things I need to do to get to my goal and that are the things I should not be doing. And then the last step of the development talk is getting specific. So now we zoom into one year and actionable goals that help them or tasks that get them towards the one-year perspective.

So what are the things they're going to do? When are they going to do this? What do they need to make happen to be able to do this? What are the things they need help with and how I'm, how they going to measure them? So it's a very, very simple setup where they write down literally the different steps that help them to get there.

And they're putting measurable goals towards the goal. And this is roughly. I would say one and a half hours, even if we go through this right now in a theoretical setting in, let's say 15 minutes in a real conversation, in a coaching style, where you ask the manager or coach the other person to find out what they are desiring and where they want to be.

It takes roughly one and a half hours if you do that well, sometimes it's faster depending on the relationship as well. The fascinating thing with this is it has zero to do with the company you work in and one hundred percent to do with who they want to be. And as well as zero to do with you as their manager, if you're their manager, like your perspective, your opinion on anything of that.

Um, just to give you a couple of examples, I've had people that told me that they want to be. building their own company in the next five years and they worked in the company and I was their manager they told me because they trusted me that they wanted to build their own company and we built a plan for how they were going to build their own company and I've had situations where people told me that they want to get married in the next five years and then we built a plan to get them towards marriage getting married and looked into how that does that work with the career perspective same with kids and all the other things so this is a development tool you That I use with everyone that is working with me over time because I believe that as further we as managers and organizations help people to develop as better it is.


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