Power of Consistency in Love and Leadership

In this cozy edition of Human Innovation News, I'm excited to share a little gem of wisdom from Simon Sinek with you. He beautifully reminds us that the small things we do consistently matter most in love and leadership.

We'll also peek into the insightful world of remote work, guided by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson's "Remote: Office Not Required." It's a personal favorite of mine, and I think you'll love it too.

And for a splash of daring, let's briefly wander through Elon Musk's visionary mind. I found his thoughts quite intriguing, and I'm eager to hear what you think.

So grab your favorite cup of coffee (or tea, beer, wine,water), and let's enjoy this journey of personal and professional discovery together.


Here's what's new in the world of Human Innovation.


πŸ”– Article Highlight:

Article: Leader’ is more than just a titleβ€”it comes with legit power. Here’s how to use it authentically

Summary: In the face of organizational pressures, can you maintain your authenticity as a leader? Dive into the struggles and strategies of balancing personal values with company mandates in our latest insightful piece.

Link: Click to read the full article


πŸ“± Social Media Highlight:

LinkedIn: What a great example of miscommunication. 

Summary: In an event people are asked to line up then one person explains one thing and the chaos starts.

Link: πŸ”‘ Click to enjoy the clip πŸ‘‰ link


πŸ“½οΈ Video Highlight:

Video: If You Want To Know What It Takes To FIND and KEEP LOVE - WATCH THIS!

Summary: SSimon Sinek draws a compelling parallel between love and leadership, arguing that both are cultivated not through grand gestures or metrics, but through the consistent, often mundane acts of care and commitment. Just as love deepens not on birthdays or anniversaries, but through daily acts of kindness, effective leadership is built not in seminars or through certificates, but in the day-to-day practice of supporting and listening to your team. Sinek's message is clear: consistency is key in relationships and leadership alike.

Link: Click to watch the inspiring TED talk.πŸ‘‰ link


πŸ“˜ Book Highlight:

Book: "Remote: Office Not Required" is a book by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, the founders of Basecamp. 


Published in 2013, the book advocates for the benefits of remote work and offers practical advice for both employers and employees on how to thrive outside the traditional office environment. The authors argue that remote work allows for a better work-life balance, access to a wider talent pool, and increased productivity, as it minimizes the distractions and interruptions common in an office setting. They also address common concerns and misconceptions about remote work, such as the idea that it hampers communication or diminishes company culture.

Drawing from their own experiences at Basecamp, Fried and Heinemeier Hansson provide insights and tips on how to effectively manage remote teams, maintain communication, foster collaboration, and build a strong remote company culture. They also discuss the importance of trust, autonomy, and the right tools in making remote work successful.

Overall, "Remote: Office Not Required" is a comprehensive guide that challenges traditional notions of the workplace and offers a persuasive case for the remote work revolution, especially relevant in an increasingly digital and globalized world.

Link: Find it on GoodReads πŸ‘‰ link


πŸŽ™οΈ Podcast Highlights:

πŸŽ™οΈ Joe Rogan Experience

Episode Title: Elon Musk

Summary:  From discussing bullet proof electrical cars and testing it with a bow and arrow to ordering pizza live. This conversation has a lot some high level bs but also some interesting view points e.g. when Elon explains why they have chosen to put the rocket station of Space X at a specific location.

Link:  Listen up πŸ‘‰ link


πŸŽ™οΈ Human Innovation - The Jens Heitland Show Podcast

Episode Title: EP 221: Beat Burnout with Jimmy Burroughes

Summary: Jimmy Burroughes is on a mission to change the way we lead teams. With years of experience as an Officer in the British Military and a track record of success as a people leader in top global organizations, Jimmy knows what it takes to build a high-performance culture that delivers results. He realized that traditional approaches to leadership and high-performance team programs were leaving leaders and teams burned out, disengaged, and underperforming.

Link: Click to tune in. πŸ‘‰ link


πŸŽ™οΈ Lead and Succeed Podcast

Episode Title: EP32-LQOTD-32-How do you build effective relationships with key stakeholders?

Summary: Explore the art of building powerful relationships with key stakeholders in this insightful blog post. Drawn from the 'Lead And Succeed Startup Edition' podcast episode, this article outlines the importance of spending quality time, deep listening, and asking insightful questions. Understand how effective stakeholder relationships can enhance your leadership prowess and drive success in your organization. Check out these essential leadership insights for a thriving professional journey.

Link: Click here to listen to the full episode and gain invaluable insights from our conversation. πŸ‘‰  link 



Let's innovate the world the human way



P.S. I am revamping the Entrepreneurs F*ck Up Night Event and will hold it every second Thursday of the month. Join me and the speakers this week sign up here


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