Personal Branding Basics- Start Your Journey Part 2 of 3

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In this second part of the "Personal Branding Basics" series, we delve into the core aspects of putting yourself out there. This segment focuses on the strategies of educating, entertaining, and inspiring your audience—three pivotal elements that can significantly enhance your personal brand.

The Importance of Visibility: 

A crucial step in personal branding is ensuring that you are visible. It's not enough to develop your brand in isolation; you need to share it with the world. Jens emphasizes that visibility is key to making your personal brand effective and influential. This means actively engaging with your audience and continuously presenting your brand values and messages.

Educate, Entertain, Inspire: The Triad of Personal Branding Jens outlines three primary ways to engage your audience:

  1. Educate: Share your knowledge and expertise on specific topics. By educating your audience, you establish yourself as an authority in your field. Jens uses the example of a YouTuber who goes in-depth on topics, helping their audience understand complex subjects. Another example is an Instagram influencer who educates her followers about the benefits of barefoot shoes, focusing on health and wellness.

  2. Entertain: Captivate your audience with engaging content. Entertainment is a powerful tool to keep your audience interested and coming back for more. Jens mentions how he uses podcasts and interviews to both entertain and inform his audience. Being relatable and authentic in your storytelling can make a significant impact.

  3. Inspire: Motivation and inspiration can drive your audience to take action and engage more deeply with your content. Sharing success stories, personal journeys, and motivational insights can inspire your audience to pursue their own goals. Jens highlights the example of Simon Sinek, who combines education, entertainment, and inspiration effectively.

Practical Examples from Jens Heitland: Jens shares his journey of building his brand from scratch after stepping out of the corporate world. He has been public about his endeavors, sharing his experiences, challenges, and successes openly. This transparency not only educates but also entertains and inspires his audience. His use of canvases to educate about innovation structures in organizations is a testament to his commitment to providing valuable content.


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In the quest to build a personal brand, it is essential to integrate education, entertainment, and inspiration into your strategy. By doing so, you can create a robust and engaging personal brand that resonates with your audience. Reflect on your unique strengths and superpowers and think about how you can share them with the world in a way that educates, entertains, and inspires. Remember, the journey of personal branding is ongoing, and continuous engagement and authenticity are key to long-term success.


Transcript of the video:


So the second part of personal brand,   if you put yourself out there, which is required if you're building a personal brand and you just keep it for yourself, it's not really working.

So you need to put yourself out there.  And there are three main things. What you can do. You can educate, you can entertain, and you can inspire.  Good example is if you take social media, there are a lot of people who are educating deeply in specific topics on a YouTube channel. They go really deep down the rabbit hole, how a specific thing works and are all about this.

They're people on social media, again, if we say, let's say Instagram I follow a person and that person is deeply into barefoot shoes. So she's researching barefoot shoes from all brands around the world and is testing them and is showing them the flexibility and what that makes to your shoes feeds, sorry.

And is educating people around barefoot shoes and the importance of standing and how is the impact is to kids, how the impact is to elders. So her personal brand is all around this, but the focus is health It's not about the shoe itself. So she's just using her business opportunities in that. And then we all know the entertainers of this world.

There are a couple of, and then there are people who do a combination of a lot of things. Simon Sinek is a well-known leadership person that is working on education, entertainment, and inspiration. So a common theme is that you work on either or you do all things together. And these are things that are important.

So if we go a little bit more in my example as well. So what am I doing with an education piece? Obviously I do what I do right now here, the importance of human. I talk a lot about human leadership and bring that more into, What I'm doing and educate more and more with these canvases.

I've had canvases since four years already in different ways. And they're all public, so I, I haven't sold them ever to educate more people. Understanding. How do you build innovation structures and organizations? How does that help you to succeed? Entertainment? I think a big part here. What I do, I'm on a journey.

I have been public from day one when I built my first company when I stepped outside of the corporate world. I have been public in what I'm doing and one thing I can everyone tell from an entertainment perspective as well, you don't have to be perfect. Just be out there is helpful.

But of course I do a lot of podcasts. I do a lot of things where I try to inspire people and then it's success stories. Of people of myself. Same with the entertainment. I try to entertain when I interview a podcast guest, and that is then connect to my personal brand. And I try to entertain when I'm speaking.

 I try to entertain when I'm educating. So there are a couple of things. So what does it mean for you?  What are the things you can do to educate, entertain and inspire, connected to your personal brand, connected to what is your superpower? All of these things are connected and all of that helps you to find out who you are, who you want to be and who you really want to focus on or what you want to focus on.


Personal Branding Basics- Start Your Journey Part 3 of 3


Personal Branding Basics- Start Your Journey Part 1 of 3