Jens Heitland

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Development Talk Masterclass

Unlock the power of personal development talks to drive employee growth and engagement. Learn how to effectively combine personal goals with organizational objectives, creating a roadmap for individual success that benefits both employees and companies. Get actionable insights to start impactful conversations today.

Development Talk Masterclass: Unlocking Employee Potential Through Personal Development

In many organizations, personal development is often overlooked in favor of performance evaluations. This is a critical oversight. Performance evaluations focus on past actions and company-centered outcomes, leaving little room for individual growth or forward-thinking strategies. In contrast, personal development talks are centered on the employee’s future aspirations, creating a roadmap for individual growth that aligns with organizational objectives.

The Key Differences: Performance Evaluation vs. Personal Development Talk

In a performance evaluation, the company’s needs take priority. Managers look back at an employee’s past performance to assess how well they have contributed to the organization’s goals. This process is inherently retrospective and often limited in scope. It doesn’t offer much opportunity for the employee to consider their long-term future beyond their current role.

A personal development talk, on the other hand, is forward-looking. It centers on the employee’s vision of who they want to become, what skills they want to develop, and how they envision their future career. This conversation focuses on aligning the employee’s personal aspirations with potential opportunities within the company, fostering both individual and organizational growth.

Setting the Stage: How to Conduct Effective Development Talks

The success of a development talk starts with creating the right environment. The setting should be comfortable, ideally outside the traditional office, where the conversation can flow openly. The timing is crucial—avoid end-of-week meetings when people are eager to leave for the weekend. Building rapport is equally important. The depth of the conversation depends on the trust between the manager and the employee.

One key technique is assigning note-taking responsibility to the employee. This ensures they capture their own takeaways and reveal what they understand from the conversation.

Deep Diving into Employee Aspirations

The development talk begins with broad, open-ended questions like, “Who do you want to be?” This simple yet powerful question helps employees think beyond their current roles and responsibilities. For many, this is a new type of conversation, and it may take a few iterations before they can articulate their true aspirations.

Once the employee has a vision of who they want to become, the manager then asks, “Why do you want to be that person?” This reflection often leads to a deeper understanding of the employee’s motivations and personal values.

Building a Personal Development Map

The next step is to create a personal development map, focusing on the skills and experiences the employee needs to achieve their vision. Questions like “What do you want to learn?” and “What do you want to leave behind?” guide the conversation toward actionable steps. The manager helps the employee outline specific goals for the next year and identifies what resources or support they may need.

Goal Setting: The Staircase Approach

To help employees visualize their progress, managers use a staircase metaphor. At the top of the staircase is the long-term goal—where the employee wants to be in five years. The conversation then shifts to short-term goals: What steps can the employee take in the next year to get closer to their long-term vision? Managers help them identify actions that will move them up the stairs and obstacles that could hold them back.

Employees rate their current progress on a scale of 1 to 10, providing a tangible way to assess where they stand and what they need to focus on moving forward.

Personal Development Beyond Work

One of the most remarkable aspects of personal development talks is that they often extend beyond work. Employees may express aspirations to start a family, move to a new city, or even start their own business. In these cases, managers work with employees to create development plans that consider both personal and professional growth. This holistic approach fosters loyalty, engagement, and long-term success for both the individual and the organization.

Final Thoughts

Personal development talks are a powerful tool for unlocking employee potential. By focusing on future goals rather than past performance, managers can inspire their teams to grow in ways that align with both personal aspirations and organizational needs. It’s a win-win approach that leads to higher engagement, better performance, and a stronger, more resilient workforce.

By implementing these development conversations, organizations not only help individuals flourish but also create a more motivated, future-ready team.


00:00 Introduction to Personal Development

00:28 Personal Development vs. Performance Evaluation

02:46 Setting Up a Development Talk

04:10 Exploring Personal Vision

06:21 Creating a Personal Development Map

08:39 Defining Goals and Action Steps

11:55 Real-Life Examples and Conclusion

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Personal development masterclass. One of the topics that's dear to my heart, because of what I have seen over the last 15 years is that personal development is quite seldom in organizations. It's not really taken, uh, in a proper way, at least in my eyes. So that's why I'm really keen on sharing this today.

So we have two. main perspectives. One or two topics for today. One is personal development talk versus performance evaluation. And then we do a deep dive into how I'm doing personal development talks. And then we do questions in the end. Personal development. So we have one part, which is the personal development talk, and then we have the performance evaluation.

And a lot of organizations, focus on performance evaluation. And the difference between those two is that the performance evaluation, the main part they are focusing on, or the main source of that is the company. So the company is on the top. And from there, it goes into, the individuals and the different tasks that need to be done to accomplish what's happening in the company, what is required to do to be done in the company.

And the individual that is doing the task is the last point. And then inside of the performance evaluation, you're looking backward. So you look, how did this person perform in the past? The development talk is the opposite. So the most important part of the. Development talk is the future. Where does the person want to be in the future?

And it has nothing to do with the outcome of the company or where the company wants to be. The goal of this is, and why, why do this personal development talk? I believe that if we are developing people in organizations beyond what the organization needs, they will contribute more to the company. They will contribute better.

So the goal of what I'm doing with development talks is finding out what the people desire and going deeper into that. And we will have a look at that in the next couple of slides. And then look, what are the different tasks of the organizations that fit the person and what the person wants to be. And then you marry these two things.

And then it works as well from a performance evaluation perspective. So that's my perspective on development talk and performance evaluation. Let's go into personal development talk a couple of, I think it's almost two years ago or something. I've developed this in as, as a worksheet. So if anyone is interested in getting this worksheet as a PDF.

Happy to share that. So, the starting point of a development talk is really a setup of the atmosphere and the place. So you are going to do a development talk with another person. So you are the manager and the, the other person is like reporting to you and then you're meeting up. So what you need to make sure of is that you have, an appropriate place.

The best case is always doing this outside of the office environment in a. In a place where people feel well, the atmosphere is super important. The time of the day is important, not doing it on Friday afternoon, for example, when people want to go on the weekend, of course, you need to be aware of your relationship with the other person, depending on how deep your relationship is.

You of course have then a perspective on how deep you can go. And how much that is. And then what is important as well is that you put the note-taking responsibility to the person that is inside the room or is working with you. So me as a leader, I always give the note taking responsibility for the other person because then you see what they understand and what they get out of that.

And then I always do as well. A version in front of us so that people understand this. So printing out this worksheet as an example, if you do that in a physical space, then you print it out and then you go into the development talk. And the starting point of the development talk goes really wide.

Looking into what's the personal vision like. I always ask these as open questions without showing them the worksheet in the beginning. Who do you want to be? And that's very, very, very wide. Like, who do you want to be? What does it mean? Some people who have never had a conversation like this, struggle with this.

So they start with, yeah, I want to be a manager. I want to be something specific. So they go very, very, very specific and they don't really look into the future. So the first round of this, I just, Help them to find out who they want to be and they write down, they write down a manager. I want to be a good father.

I want to be whatever they come up with. And then I go to the next question and I show them the next question, not before. So why do you want to be that person? So then they're reflecting on the answers they have given and then they go back and refine who they want to go to be. And that's an interesting process because what.

You as the manager that is holding this development talk are doing, you're literally shutting up and just asking open questions to tell me more. How, how does that feel? What does that look like? What would that look like in the future? So you only ask open ended question when that gets the person talking and reflecting.

So if you're saying this, what does it mean? So, and then they're explaining, explaining, and they go in a loop between who am I going to be? And why do I want to be that person? So until they have clarity, and the first loop is always. The starting point where they don't know what's going to come, then who am I going to be?

They come up with high-level topics and then they go, Why do I want to be that person? Then they go back to Who am I going to be? And then they go deeper. And I always then give them a perspective. Okay, think about five years, 10 years from now, who do you want to be? And then they go more particular in all of these things.

And then we go, we don't close this, we keep it, we put it aside. And then we go to the next sheet, which is a personal development map. So I want them again to reflect on certain questions. And it doesn't matter in the order, I just take them clockwise right now. But it's really going and answering the specific questions.

What do I want to learn? So you're asking this, the person that is in front of you. So what do you want to learn to be that person? So linking it back to that person of the future. And then you're asking, what do you want to improve? And then they come up with things. So it's, it's like writing down the, all the different topics and then what do I want to leave behind?

And then they come back with topics that they want to leave behind. Another question is what excites you? Yeah. And then going deeper into this, who is important to them? And then what is important to them? And when you have done this circle, you go around it and they were deeper in this topic.

What quite often happens then if you ask them, so how, if we go back to the other one, is that still the same thing you want to be? Because they have now clarified what they want to be. and answer the question, they go back to this one and then clarify, no, no, no, I want to be this, I want to be this. What I always ask them, in this part is to paint a picture.

So when, when we have finished with this one, I go back to this one. And say, from a personal vision perspective, imagine a picture and describe the picture that you see on the wall. And then they describe to me who they want to be and who they are going to strive to be inside of a picture and explain everything that is around them.

I've had, for example, a person that told me where they are going to live, what, how it feels, um, in this picture, where the kids in this picture, where the wife or husband and, and going really into details and then linking this to. A job perspective as well, because in the end, we are at least this part is in a job environment.

So they are linking that to the job environment of who they're going to be working with as well. So these two are super powerful. And then you go into the next step, which is a goal perspective. So it starts with the staircase. So in the top right corner, we have what is the goal. And the starting point is really, um, defining that goal.

So if you want to be this person in five years, what is the goal for the next year for you to be very specific? And of course, you can do smart goal setting and all of that, but it's in the end, What does feel right for that person? What is the development goal they want to reach in one year from now?

And then they formulate that goal. And then you go to the bottom of this page where you look into where do you stand today on a scale from one to 10. So they're rating themselves on how close are they to that goal. If they're close, then they're at 10 or 9. If they're far away, then they're at 1. And what always happens is they're somewhere in between, obviously.

So when they have rated that, then you look into what are the things that get you closer to that goal, meaning moving your scale from 5 to 10. And that's what they are writing down above the stairs. So, above the stairs are the things that are getting them closer to their goal. And then they're defining this in bullet points and formulating that out.

And [you do that obviously all in a conversation. You ask the person who is doing the development talk, you are asking them questions to get them moving. You're asking them clarifying questions about the topics that are put, into the sheet. And then the next part is, what are the things that getting you further away from that goal?

So downstairs, if you think at it from a staircase perspective, and then they're writing these things down and then they have a clear picture of a goal staircase where they, they know they want, where they want to be linking that to the vision that's five years from now and the goal picture, and then they rate themselves.

And have then clear understanding of that are the things I need to do to get to my goal and that are the things I should not be doing. And then the last step of the development talk is getting specific. So now we zoom into one year and actionable goals that help them or tasks that get them towards the one-year perspective.

So what are the things they're going to do? When are they going to do this? What do they need to make happen to be able to do this? What are the things they need help with and how I'm, how they going to measure them? So it's a very, very simple setup where they write down literally the different steps that help them to get there.

And they're putting measurable goals towards the goal. And this is roughly. I would say one and a half hours, even if we go through this right now in a theoretical setting in, let's say 15 minutes in a real conversation, in a coaching style, where you ask the manager or coach the other person to find out what they are desiring and where they want to be.

It takes roughly one and a half hours if you do that well, sometimes it's faster depending on the relationship as well. The fascinating thing with this is it has zero to do with the company you work in and one hundred percent to do with who they want to be. And as well as zero to do with you as their manager, if you're their manager, like your perspective, your opinion on anything of that.

Um, just to give you a couple of examples, I've had people that told me that they want to be. building their own company in the next five years and they worked in the company and I was their manager they told me because they trusted me that they wanted to build their own company and we built a plan for how they were going to build their own company and I've had situations where people told me that they want to get married in the next five years and then we built a plan to get them towards marriage getting married and looked into how that does that work with the career perspective same with kids and all the other things so this is a development tool you That I use with everyone that is working with me over time because I believe that as further we as managers and organizations help people to develop as better it is.