6 Steps to UpGREAT your career in 2024
Step 1: Build your Authentic Personal Brand
What you stand for?
What your mission is?
What your 2 word brand is?
You are the most permanent in your life. Invest in yourself.
Step 2: Create a strategic personal Hub that you own as the home for your brand
Build a personal website:
Pick your domain:
Blog sections to host your content
Your Story
What you stand for
Your 2 word Brand
Step 3: Develop a Content System that allows you to produce content with ease
Develop a System:
A rinse and repeat structure connected to your personal brand.
E.g. I post repeatedly over a month about the same 9+27 topics as they represent the Leadership Skills Assessment of my Leadership Platform (don’t tell anyone).
Produce Pillar content:
Long form content that you can split into smaller pieces
YouTube Video
Blog Post
Produce Micro Content from your Pillar content:
All integrated into linked blog posts and also available as single assets to be utilized on social media.
Step 4: Build a Distribution System that allows people to explore your brand
Share your content consistently:
7 days a week
365 days a year
Never stop! It works
On as many as you can handle social media platforms.
Learn continuously:
See what resonates with the people you want to serve
Change & adapt your content, structure and timing.
Step 5: Curate a Community of like minded people
Bring like minded people together:
Use communication platforms to connect likeminded people with each other.
It’s not about you, it’s about what they get out of the connection with each other.
Tip: Build it around learning
Step 6: Build businesses around you to serve
Build products & Services:
Serve other people with products and or services that represent your personal brand, your passion and what you stand for
People are willing to pay for your products and services as long as they serve needs, dreams & desires. (not yours)
P.S. Even if you are employed I recommend you to do this step
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