Jens Heitland

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Unlocking Your True Potential: A Guide to Filling in Your Desire Canvas

Today, we’re diving into a powerful exercise designed to help you unlock your true potential and achieve your deepest desires. This exercise involves filling out a canvas, a tool I've used extensively in coaching leaders, particularly in large corporate settings. By understanding and utilizing this canvas, you'll be able to identify and pursue your true desires with clarity and purpose.

Understanding Desire

Desire is a burning fire within us. It drives our actions and shapes our goals. However, many people struggle to articulate what they truly desire. When asked, "What is your desire?" many are left without a clear answer. This lack of clarity can hinder progress and fulfillment. Therefore, it's crucial to start thinking about your desires early on.

The Canvas: A Staircase to Your Desires

The canvas is designed as a staircase, with your ultimate desire placed at the upper left corner. The steps you take to reach this desire are influenced by positive and negative behaviors. Positive behaviors help you ascend the staircase, while negative behaviors drag you down.

Identifying Your Desire

Let’s begin with identifying your desire. This can be anything from achieving financial independence by the age of 40, to having a family, to amassing a certain amount of wealth. The key is to dig deep and question yourself: What are your true desires? Is it owning a car, becoming a millionaire, or making a significant impact in the world? For example, my desire is to be independent and create a meaningful impact. Your desire might be different, and that’s perfectly fine.

Positive Behaviors: Steps Up the Staircase

Once you’ve identified your desire, it’s time to establish the positive behaviors that will help you reach it. For instance, if your desire is to run your own business, positive behaviors might include:

  • Waking up at 6:00 AM and writing in your diary.

  • Setting daily goals and reflecting on how they contribute to your long-term objectives.

  • Reaching out to 10 people daily to maintain connections or drive sales.

  • Staying fit and healthy to ensure you have the energy to pursue your goals.

These behaviors create a structure and focus, enabling you to make consistent progress toward your desire.

Watch the video from the Live Leadership Bootcamp:

Get the personal desire canvas here.

Negative Behaviors: Obstacles on the Staircase

Conversely, it’s essential to recognize the negative behaviors that hinder your progress. These might include:

  • Staying in bed until 9:00 AM, which could waste valuable time.

  • Watching Netflix for hours every day instead of engaging in productive activities.

  • Trying to please others at the expense of your own goals, whether it’s friends, family, or colleagues.

Recognizing and addressing these negative behaviors is crucial to stay on track.

Balancing Your Actions

It's all about balance. Different people have different desires and, consequently, different behaviors that work for them. Some might find waking up early and staying highly active beneficial, while others may thrive on a different schedule. The important thing is to align your actions with your desires, ensuring that every step you take brings you closer to your goals.

Conclusion: Stepping Towards Your Desire

Filling out the canvas and understanding the staircase metaphor can transform how you approach your desires. By identifying your true desires, establishing positive behaviors, and eliminating negative ones, you create a clear path to success. Remember, it’s a journey of self-discovery and continuous improvement. Keep questioning, keep adjusting, and keep climbing that staircase towards your burning desire.

Embrace this tool, and let it guide you to a more fulfilled and purpose-driven life.

Get the personal desire canvas by filling out this form here.