Jens Heitland

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Building a Yearly Plan: Achieving Personal and Business Goals

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Creating a comprehensive yearly plan is crucial for both personal and business success. Jens Heitland, during the Leadership Bootcamp, emphasized the significance of strategic planning to help individuals and teams achieve their goals effectively. Here’s a summary of his insights on structuring your year.

The Importance of Yearly Planning

Yearly planning provides a clear roadmap for what you aim to achieve. It helps in aligning personal and professional goals, ensuring you stay focused and motivated throughout the year. By setting aside specific times for activities, whether it's vacations or major projects, you create a balanced and manageable schedule.

Personal Goals and Well-being

One key aspect Jens highlighted is the importance of planning personal time, such as vacations. As a business founder, it can be challenging to disconnect, but scheduling time off is crucial for maintaining health and well-being. Jens suggests setting at least one vacation per year and ensuring everyone in your business is aware of it. This allows you to recharge and return with renewed energy and focus.

In addition to vacations, it’s essential to plan for personal achievements, such as running a marathon. By setting specific, attainable goals, you can integrate activities that promote your health and personal growth into your yearly plan.

Business Goals and Professional Growth

For business goals, Jens stresses the need for clear planning. Much like using a navigation system for a road trip, setting business goals requires defining where you want to go and how you plan to get there. This involves breaking down larger goals into smaller, actionable steps. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, plan your training schedule and adjust your milestones accordingly.

Jens also points out that a yearly plan should include major business initiatives and focus areas. By mapping out what needs to be achieved each quarter or month, you can ensure consistent progress towards your objectives.

Implementing Your Yearly Plan

To implement a successful yearly plan, Jens recommends creating a simple yet comprehensive structure. Start by listing your goals for the year, both personal and business. Next, break these goals down into smaller, manageable tasks and assign them to specific months or quarters. This approach helps you stay organized and ensures you allocate time for both work and personal activities.

Watch the Video of the Live Leadership Bootcamp

In conclusion, building a yearly plan is an invaluable tool for achieving both personal and business goals. By following Jens Heitland’s advice, you can create a balanced, focused plan that supports your overall success and well-being. Start today and see the difference a well-structured plan can make in your life and career.

Transcript of the video:

And then you go into the last canvas, which is from a year perspective, what are the different things you focus on per year? What are the things you are planning for yourself and for your team to move on? And sometimes it's as easy where you say, this is vacation

and I know that I need let's put it in, in July. I know if I have at least one spot per year that's called vacation, where I'm truly switching off as the founder of a business. It's very hard to switch off. But knowing this and planning it so that everyone in your business knows this, if you have a co-founder, they can cover you.

Whatever comes this time is for yourself to spend time with your family, spend time with your friends, go and switch off. And you can have that, of course, spread out throughout the year, but it helps you to really focus on a specific thing. So really go deeper into all your planning activities. Maybe this is vacation that's more focused on health.

Maybe here's something where, let's say sport you want to run a marathon just to have something here, which is a different focus. Not saying that's maybe the most attainable goal for everyone, but just you to understand. Just put a yearly planning into this and then it helps you to succeed in what you're doing.

Same with business. If you're not planning what you're going to do, it's not going to happen. We often understand when we want to drive to a foreign place with a car, we know in today's world we are putting an address into the navigation system that's putting the address into your navigation system connected to your goal setting.

If you put in an address into your navigation system, you know roughly where you're going and you know when you're arriving there. If you want to run a marathon, a simple example, you need to be ready to run a marathon, which means if we just combine this way, say run 12 hours per month, and then you can say, okay, here, I need to run.

Whatever, 18 hours per month, just to give you a couple of numbers and then you can link this again to the goal setting. Does that fit to where I want to be? And then you, I think you get it. Put your things in order. Put the yearly plan together for yourself. 

Business for me is obvious. I guess you do this.

If not, I highly recommend you to do it from a business as well. What are your focus areas? Where do you need to move things? How do you achieve it? This, today we only talk about you and yourself. It's building a very simple structure that helps you to succeed. I see a lot of people are not doing that when it comes to yourself, so use that as an opportunity.