Jens Heitland

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What is special about the NFT space?

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When Instagram came out you didn't have to go to Instagram to share photos. There were things before it Snapfhish Amazon photos. There's other ways that you can share your photos. But when Instagram came out, it happened to be that place that everybody was coming together on and were sharing photos and commenting and sharing information with family and friends.

It just happened to be that space, that platform that people were coming together and it just snowballed from there with Web 3 right now. I'm seeing it as that place where people are coming together to collaborate and to coming together with creativity. And to think through what are some of the solutions that we can use this blockchain technology for more so than crypto.

I think in the crypto space, and this is the differentiator to me between NFTs and crypto in the crypto space there's a lot more around around speculation and in my view, NFTs, there's a lot more of that community aspect of collaboration and creativity, and that's what's special about what's happening in the N F T space right now.