Jens Heitland

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We help people to raise consciousness of how they work and how they think

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Say you come up and identifier on the profile. And then you are obviously showing and demonstrating your strengths and so you might be contributing a lot more in that stage. People maybe who weren't high on identify, are learning how to identify.

There are tools that you can use, that can help you to think, curiously, that can open up your mind perception. So what happens then is we can have a discussion, not just on what you are doing, but how you're doing it. And to get people to reflect on behavior. Helps them then understand, oh, you know what, Jens was a really good facilitator. That's what got us really going there cuz he understood how to get the team to really open up their perception.

So what we're doing is we're not just focusing on the what. The outcome, we're focusing on the how because we're helping people to really raise consciousness of how they work and how they think, because then they get better at it.