125 - We learn when when it gets uncomfortable

Discover the power of embracing discomfort to foster growth in the latest podcast episode. Learn how challenging experiences are crucial for personal development and leadership. 


We learn when when it gets uncomfortable


Embracing Discomfort: The Gateway to Learning and Growth

In the most recent episode of The Daily Hint, Jens Heitland dives into the transformative power of discomfort. Titled "We Learn When It Gets Uncomfortable," this episode challenges listeners to rethink their approach to discomfort and pain, not as obstacles but as essential components of growth and learning.

Understanding Discomfort in Growth

Jens draws a parallel between physical endurance, like running, and professional or personal growth. He shares insights from his experiences, highlighting how the moments when we feel most exhausted or challenged often lead to the greatest growth. The episode is a profound reminder that discomfort is not something to avoid but to embrace as a sign of progress.

The Role of Discomfort in Personal Development

The core message of the episode is that discomfort signals the edge of our current capabilities and the beginning of new growth. Jens discusses:

  • Mindset Shift: Reframing our perception of pain and discomfort from being negative to recognizing them as indicators of potential growth.

  • Learning Through Pain: How physical and mental challenges teach us resilience and help us to better understand our limits and capabilities.

  • Continued Growth: The importance of pushing through when feeling overwhelmed or tired, much like pushing through the last miles of a long run.

Lessons for Leaders

For leaders, the episode is particularly impactful. Jens emphasizes that the ability to endure and learn from discomfort is not just a personal skill but also a crucial leadership quality. Leaders who embrace and learn from discomfort can better guide their teams through challenges, fostering a culture of resilience and continuous improvement.

  • Fostering Resilience: Building teams that can withstand and thrive through challenges.

  • Modeling Behavior: Leaders set the tone for how challenges are perceived and tackled within their teams.

  • Encouraging Innovation: By stepping out of comfort zones, teams can innovate and solve problems creatively.

"We Learn When It Gets Uncomfortable" is a powerful reminder that our most challenging moments are often precursors to significant growth. Jens encourages everyone, especially leaders, to lean into discomfort, as it is in these moments that the greatest learning occurs. The episode calls on listeners to shift their mindset and see discomfort not as a barrier but as a path to personal and professional fulfillment.

For anyone looking to enhance their resilience and embrace growth fully, this episode of The Daily Hint offers both inspiration and practical advice.


00:00 Embracing the Challenge: The Power of Perseverance

00:14 The Mindset Shift: From Pain to Progress

00:35 Learning Through Pain: A Path to Personal Growth

Links :


Equipment and Software that I use for my Videos and Podcasts!   

Jens Equipment and Software overview: https://www.jensheitland.com/equipment


Books that I read and recommend.

My Book Recommendations: https://www.jensheitland.com/books


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Speaking: https://www.jensheitland.com/speaking

Mentorship: https://www.jensheitland.com/mentorship

Leadership Skills Assessment: https://www.wearesucceed.com/


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Subscribe and Listen to The Jens Heitland Show Podcast HERE: 

YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjuSGi1feauCNSER3IKuGWg

Web: https://www.jensheitland.com/podcasthome

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jens-heitland-show-human-innovation/id1545043872?uo=4

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7H0GWMGVALyXnnmstYA1NL


Subscribe and Listen to The Daily Hint with Jens Heitland Podcast HERE: 

YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2tLdutVh6b6nCBgWQ817eQ

Web: https://www.jensheitland.com/the-daily-hint

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-daily-hint-with-jens-heitland/id1722930497

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4T02uYPvcOrajPC6FgH64r?si=8aab1e7683204160&nd=1&dlsi=0f69c72af017454a

AI Transcript:

There are days where we are tired. And I always compare this to a long run.  So when I have done a two hour run, I'm tired.   And keeping on going differentiates you from the others. We have the possibility to go through pain and sometimes the pain is just in our mind and that is holding us back and utilizing your mindset to go from  "hey this is painful" to "hey this is interesting because I feel my legs right now and I keep on moving"is the differentiator. Think of it as learning through pain. We need to learn to move on and take things as a learning to be able to do things differently in the future. From that, we'll take on a new path for ourselves and for people around us. 


126 - Lead don't just follow


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