EP 179: The Art of Leadership - Jimmy Burroughes on Leadership training, culture and performance

Jimmy Burroughes The Expert for ways of working helps leaders to change and nurture the culture.

Jimmy shares his story from his leadership development inside the Army and we explore leadership from different angles. We talk about leadership training, leadership culture and performance.

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcast, Spotify or other platforms.






EP 179: The Art of Leadership - Jimmy Burroughes on Leadership training, culture and performance

Jimmy Burroughes The Expert for ways of working helps leaders to change and nurture the culture.

Jimmy shares his story from his leadership development inside the Army and we explore leadership from different angles. We talk about leadership training, leadership culture and performance.

Guest Links: 

Jimmy on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimmyburroughes/

Jimmy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jimmybleadership/

Website: https://jimmyburroughes.com/

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EP 180: The future of city design - Ocean Jangda on urban design technology innovation districts and cycling.


EP 178: Sales and social media for Startups - Niraj Kapur on selling in the age of social media, linkedin training and the importance of building relationships